Chapter 51-Grand General

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Demeptah Pov

"I have returned father." My words echoed through the endless void.

I was met by only silence. The void that contained whatever messed up throne room this was, was completely lacking in any other source of sound.

It was eerily silent, to the point that it was unsettling. I could hear my own heartbeat as I knelt before what was my father.

My feet were touching solid ground. But my eyes confirmed there was nothing beneath my feet. Just an endless ocean of purples and blacks that took on the forms of ocean currents.

Slowly raising my head I squinted my eyes as I stared directly at my creator. I instinctual raised my hands to shield my eyes the blinding light that surrounded him.

From what I could make out of his form, it was disheartening. The once proud man that led an entire race to rise up against the gods. A man who commanded legions of man and women for their salvation. A man who had to power to challenge the heavens themselves.

But nothing from my past memories remained. Only an empty husk of a man sat upon the djinn throne. His form was withered, so much so that he resembled a living skeleton more than anything else. His parchment-thin skin was a sickly mix of grey and brown, stretched so thin on his bones that his eyes were just large pits of darkness.

But even now his true form was shrouded. He whole body was surrounded in a halo of light as what seemed like a hurricane of screaming souls danced around him. The throne he sat upon was more than just a seat for royalty. Mile long cables and wires snaked their way around his body. Extending for as far as the eye could see in every direction. The remaining djinn have no doubt turned to arcane methods in an effort to keep his physical vessel alive to anchor his soul.

The device that was keeping him alive was also the source of his pain. Seemingly keeping him alive in an eternal cycle of death and rejuvenation. I pondered if I could be the one to free him. To allow his soul to pass and to give him a death he no doubt desired after thousands of years of torment.

"Father." I beckoned once more as I stared into his dead eye sockets. I could feel tears begin swell up in my eyes as I gazed upon what my father has become.

"Father. Its is me. Demeptah, your son." I pleaded as I rose to my feet in an effort to reach for him. But the sheer pressure he naturally emitted halted me in my tracks.

It was then when he stirred. Not his body, but his soul. The currents of aether that surrounded us suddenly shifted. As the halo of light from his body seemed to shine brighter than before. And the pressure that bore down on my entire body seemed to ease up a little.

A voice, no. To call it merely a voice was no correct. A sound, it reverberated all throughout the void. It came from no where but at the same time everywhere. I could feel it in not only my thoughts but also my very soul.

I covered my ears as my senses were bombarded by pain. I reeled back as I screamed out in pain, only for my own screams to be drowned out by the screams and shouts of pain from countless other voices.

I fell to my knees as my head threatened to explode. I heard wails of pain and cries for mercy. My body felt as though it was on fire.

My vision went in and out as I threw up bile. My mind was assaulted by things. Images, visions.

I saw myself on my father's throne. My sickly thin fingers gripping the armrests as I writhed in pain. Cables entering my body pumping myself with aether and mana to keep me alive. Every nerve in my body screamed as I begged for all of it to end, for the silent abyss of death to relieve me of my pain.

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