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Hi! Thank you for clicking on this story and deciding to read it. This is the first original story I've written to post, so please be kind to me if it's not the best. I've had the idea for this story for months, and I finally got around to writing the first chapter. As of now, the first chapter is almost done and I've posted my prologue. Please enjoy this story and tell me if you like it! Whether or not people read this, I'll try and post a new chapter every few weeks. However, school can take up a lot of my free time so I apologize if I don't get a chapter finished quickly. Happy reading! <3 (Also side note, I tried to make this story realistic regarding the jobs, however, some things aren't gonna be correct but it's just for the story!) (Also if you're here from my bad fanfiction or if you had to witness it...I'm sorry 🌚)

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