-Chapter One-

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A/N: Hi! Thank you for deciding to read this chapter. If you're one of the few people who read the prologue when that was the only thing published, I apologize for disappearing for three weeks, school has started and life has gotten busy. I hope you enjoy this chapter, it's not the best but better are coming soon. I'll hopefully update this story consistently but I don't know how that will work out 😭. 

Caitlyn 5:00 pm𐫱 Monday, November 7

"Detective Bailey?" Chief Mitchell yelled from across the office.

I promptly made my way out of my small office and into my chiefs. "What do you need?" I asked, leaning on the doorframe.

"Ah, thanks for coming. Would you mind checking the names off of this list and making sure everyone has a seat?" Mitchell asked, handing me a clipboard. I looked down at the paper, it had everyone's names who would be attending on it with a check box.

"Yes, of course"

"I'm sorry I don't want to inconvenience you but I can use all the help I can get at the moment." She said, rubbing her forehead, clearly stressed.

"No, you're totally okay. I'll get back to you." I said, turning to walk out.

"Thanks!" She yelled out and I walked down the hall.

As I came down the hallway of the office, I made my way into a big room with several desks set up. Each desk had two chairs, one for our team and another for some special agents from the FBI on their way. I walked around to each table slowly and checked the names on the clipboard and compared them to the names on each table. As I checked the first table, my coworker, Kian, came from the hallway.

"Sup, Caitlyn," Kian said, walking towards me.

"Hey Kian, what's up with you?" I said while still looking down at the clipboard.

"Just here to see my favorite detective, is that a crime now?"

"Depends who's talking" I looked up, giving him a smile. "So really, why are you here?"

"Just wanted to see what you were up to"

"Well, the Chief put me to work checking all these names and making sure everyone has a seat..."

"Man she put me to work earlier too, this case is exhausting for everyone. I still can't believe we needed backup, doesn't that seem a little unnecessary? We've solved serial killer cases before."

"Tell me about it, but we do need the extra help. This is starting to get ridiculous" I responded, sighing and looking down at my clipboard.

"So, who am I sitting by?" Kian asked curiously, breaking any tension.

"Let me see..." I looked through the names until I saw his name, Kian Morris. "Looks like you're with...Agent Williams"

"Damn, I'm not next to you,"

"Very funny. That would be a nightmare staying with you that whole time,"

"Hey I'm not that bad," he said while crossing his arms.

"Really?" I looked up at him.

"Okay okay, I'll stop bothering you now. Could I get you anything, a coffee or something?"

"Oh my god, no. I swear if I drink another cup of coffee, toxicology will do a study on me."

"Your loss. Just tell me if you need anything, really"

"Thanks, Kian," I said looking back down at the paper.

After a couple of names, I finally got to my seat. I looked down at the paper and saw an unfamiliar name: Special Agent Michelle Ross. It could be fun getting to know someone new.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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