Chapter sixteen

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Hanma was walking around your garden, waiting for you or your brother to come home. He was surprised to see the amount of trees in your garden, you had all sorts of plants, he didn't know you loved flowers and plants.

He almost died three times. Firstly because he had jumped over the wall without even acknowledging the fact your dogs could be in the garden. Which they were, they had chased after him all around your property but finally calmed down when they pinned him down and sniffed him.

Secondly because he jumped in your pond, thinking it wasn't that deep and cold. If it weren't for him knowing how to break into your house through your window, he would've frozen to death. He wore your jeans and one of your t-shirts who was probably your brother's since it was too small for him and you.

Thirdly, he wanted to use the bathroom but your room was locked so he had to use your bathroom. He got attacked by the duck Tetta saved a few days ago that was staying in your personal bath room for some reason. He jumped through the window and peed on your neighbors' property.

You arrived at around four in the afternoon. The Emma situation was very upsetting, another life you could've saved easily. You sighed and opened the gate to your big property.

You froze when you heard a frightening cry for help and loud barks. You ran to your garden and saw two brown dobermans barking at a tree. "Ridor!! They're gonna kill me, help!" In that tree was Hanma.

You panicked and shooed the dogs away. You opened the backyard door and pushed the dogs inside before closing the door back. Hanma sighed and climbed down the tree. He gave you a hug and spun you around. "Thank you! I thought I was gonna die!"

You patted his back and ruffled his hair. "What happened? Why did they attack you?" The half blond let go of you and shrugged. "Dunno. I threw a stick to play fetch and Kiki started chasing me around with the stick while Lala was chasing and barking. I got scared and climbed into the tree then they tried climbing too. I almost shat myself, I swear." You grinned and hummed. "Hanma, they're just very loud. They had no intention of killing you or something, they just wanted to play! They thought you got stuck in the tree and tried to help you!"

You took Hanma's hand and opened the door. The male was shaking his head like crazy. "No, Ridor. They really hate me I'm telling you- AH-"

You watched as the animals jumped on your friend. Pulling his jeans and licking his face. You were laughing until you realized that it was your jeans. "How did you get my jeans?" "It's a long st- POUAH- story-"

You chuckled and sighed. "Hanma," The male hummed and watched you sit next to him while pushing the dogs away. "...Keep an eye on Tetta. My guts are telling me something is wrong, I have a very bad feeling."

Shuji sighed loudly and burped. "Maybe you're just very hungry and your guts are telling you they need to digest food!" You scoffed and nudged the male. "Eh. No, but seriously, don't worry. Your bro's in good hands~" He showed off his tattooed hands and squeezed your cheeks. You smiled warlmy at him and blew him a kiss. "Thank you, Shu!"


You sat in a cafe with two of your friends, you really did not plan on going to that fight. You girls talked about everything and anything. Boys, drama, relationships, teachers, exams, everything.

You groaned and sighed as you let your head fall into your crossed arms over the table. Kau, your best friend, placed her hand on your fluffy curly hair and ruffled it. "What's wrong, Ridor? You haven't told us anything about a mega sexy hot charismatic dude today." The blondie of the group, Kora, agreed. "Yeah. And not gonna lie, I like it that way. All the men you've shown us made me question your tastes..." You gasped and slammed your hand on the table. "How dare you!" You immediately made a face after yelling. "What is wrong, Ridor?"

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