Chapter 2: Renfri

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Y/n's POV:

I'd travelled for a while now nightfall was approaching so I stopped Adonis and set up camp for the night. I wasn't particularly sleepy, Adonis was just tired and cold so I needed to warm her up a bit.

I was awoken by the wind rustling roughly, then i heard the voice of a maiden, "the girl in the woods will be with you forever, Geralt however, y/n is your true destiny, you are hers and she is yours." I was quite confused until the maiden spoke to me aswell, "The Witcher you call Geralt of Rivia is your destiny y/n, he's yours and you are his, time will bring you close and destiny will bond you for life."

I just yawned and got up. I awoke Adonis and packed up camp. I saw a familiar man in the distance as I rode for a while. I got closer to him as he was cursing and raging.

"in need of some assistance Geralt?" I asked as he turned towards me and gained a smirk on his face. "Well, just look at that, we meet again." he says as he gets onto his horse.

"Where are we headed?" I asked as he nodded with gratefulness, "back to Blaviken, i must choose the lesser evil." he said as I urged Adonis to start moving.

as we were walking through the forest I decided to start conversation with this witcher. "How are things back at Kaer Morhen?" I asked since I hadn't been there in years.

"same old place, more necklaces are hanging from the tree though..." he said in a soft tone. I nodded and stared at him. he didn't have too terrible of a physique if i do say so myself, his face wasn't too torturing to stare at either.

whilst i was checking him out he was doing exactly the same to me, Adonis sped up so that i was now infront of him, giving away a full view of my ass hopping up and down with each step Adonis made on this cursed road. I didn't wear dresses or skirts, I ran around fighting too many monsters for that so i usually wore pants and shirts like every man did.

the pants I was wearing today were to Geralt's fortune, quite tight, and the shirt was a long sleeved top, all of the clothing i  usually wore were black or dark red. my cloak was in one of the bags on the side of Adonis.

when we reached Blaviken again, we hopped off our horses, i put on my cloak and we hurried into Blaviken. we ran into a group of men who attacked us, i helped Geralt fight them off and protected him against the townsfolk, my hood accidentally fell off during battle, exposing my pale skin and bright and shining red eyes, with my bloody fangs from the men i killed and filled up on dripping down.

i didn't realise why the men stopped when they saw me until i remembered, I'm the Red Void, and they'd been speaking about me in the local taverns alot lately.

the men's expression went dark as if they'd seen a ghost, they all started screaming 'its the red void, run!' as if it would've helped, most tried to escape but it was too late, my instincts kicked in and i sped after them, ripping their limbs apart.

when i turned to Geralt i saw him and Renfri fighting, seeing how he had to kill her and how he took her broach. The townspeople screamed at him telling him to leave and never come back.

he took my hand and we walked through the people who stepped back in fear of us. I laughed at them whilst Geralt had an annoyed look on his face.

Geralt and i parted ways at the gate, he knew that i do things on my own.

I was headed towards Posada. I reached the bridge and tied Adonis to the post again and walked on over to the tavern.

as you opened the door your ears winced from the Bard's annoying voice. The story he was telling made no sense at all either.

you ordered an ale and went to sit by the wall, but when you came around the wall you saw none other than Geralt already sitting there.

you sighed and sat across from him. "It seems you follow me around just as much as destiny supposedly does, Geralt of Rivia." you said as you took a sip from your ale.

he looked at you with an unreadable look. "Destiny... So you heard the call of the woods, well Renfri, aswell?" he asked in his normal gruff tone.

you simply nodded and looked outside, you zoned out and when you came back to reality the bard was standing next to your table talking to Geralt.

"I love the way you just, sit in the corner and brood." the bard started, "We're here to drink alone" Geralt spoke for himself and for me.

"oh come on just give me an honest review, three words or less" the bard asked Geralt. "they don't exist." Geralt replied after a moment.

"what don't exist?" the stupid bard asked, I snarled and looked at him, "The creatures in your song."  I replied to him.

"And how would you two know that?" he asked, Geralt and i exchanged a glance and neither of us replied.

"Oh, fun, White hair, big, old loner, two very, very scary looking swords, and her...y/h/c hair, dark, mysterious loner, terrifying aura and appearance with even scarier looking weapons, I know who you two are.." he stated as me and Geralt got up in sync and started walking towards the exit.

"You're witchers, Geralt of Rivia, and even more interesting Y/n of Zeldona." everyone went silent as the bard spoke again, "Called it." a man with curly hair and a green shirt stood up and walked towards Geralt, trying not to be too close to me.

"A job I've got for you," he began, "a devil, hes been stealing all our grain, I'll pay you in advance...a hundred ducat." Geralt looked at the man and sighed, "one-fifty" he raised, and the man handed him a bag of coins.

"I've no doubt you'll come through, you take no prisoners, so i hear." the man said as Geralt only stared into his eyes and then at the bag outstretched towards him, he took the bag and followed me outside.

I sighed, "a devil, these humans get more humorous each day." I said while untying Adonis and getting onto her.

Geralt did the same with Roach and we went up the mountain side in silence. Until we heard the loud, annoying panting of a certain bard behind us.

"Need a hand? I've got two, one for each of the uh..devils horns."

Geralt got off his horse and so did I, since they'd been getting tired of carrying us. "Go away." Geralt replied as i just leaned against Adonis whilst she walked further.

the bard started talking about Geralt's onion stench smelling like 'heroics and heartbreak' to him. I snickered and kept listening.

"Oh, I could be your barker! Spreading the Tales of Geralt Of Rivia and Y/n of Zeldona, The Butchers Of Blaviken!" I stopped in my tracks and so did Geralt, we turned around to face the bard.

"come here." we both motioned for him.

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