I'm alive.

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Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

I hope you enjoy :)


Team heads out after breakfast, deciding to stop by and visit P'Waan. Since he and Win got serious he became close with his brothers, they remind of the brother he lost years ago. And he could really do with a big brother right now. He enters P"Waans office and sees him on the phone, he stops talking on the phone the minute he sees Team, quickly saying bye to the other person and clearing his throat. "Hey P'Waan, am I interrupting something? I can come back." 

"No, come in. Im sorry I was just doing some business. Are you okay? I was planning on coming by later, Win asked me to check on you." 

"Ah so you know what happened?" He rubs his temples, feeling embarrassed and edgy all over again.

"Yes, I actually watched the video also. You did good Team." P'Waan smiles at him reassuringly. "I'm sorry that you had to go through that but I'm also glad that you stood up for yourself." He walks up to Team and gives him a hug.

Team is taken aback by the affection that is shown by P'Waan. He hugs him back tightly needing some brotherly love right now. "Thank you P." He pulls away, "Have you eaten yet? Can I take you out for lunch if you're not busy?

Waan laughs, "How about I take you out for lunch, I'm the big brother remember? This is good, I can set you straight while I'm at it, seems like you and Win are keeping things from me recently."

Team looks at him confused, "No, there is nothing we have kept from you."

"Really? Win and Dean quit the club? Going against the president of the university?"

Team groans, "Win should have told you P, I'm sorry. I think he wanted a solution before coming to your parents. He is waiting to see if he gets expelled for his actions towards the president. But it was totally justified P"Waan, I promise. Lets go I will tell you everything. He grabs Waans hand and leads him out the door.


Waan listens quietly as Team tells him the story from the beginning. The more Team explains the angrier he gets, not only is this kid messing with Win but taunting and going after Team too. He became really close to Team, he loves this kid as he does his won flesh and blood. He feels his anger rising. Tul wasn't joking when he said the kid was a menace, that is actually an understatement. "Team, are you sure you're okay? What you are saying is crazy, no normal person behaves this way. I think you should be careful around this kid, if he is willing to go this far just to get what he wants he could be dangerous. Should I get you a bodyguard?"

"Huh? A bodyguard? P'Waan maybe you are over thinking this whole thing, he is just a spoilt kid. I'll be okay." He never considered what Waan suggested, is he really dangerous? He shakes his head not wanting to believe that. "I'm perfectly safe, Win takes good care of me, even though I'm an idiot. When this whole thing happened yesterday I ran away instead of going to him. I feel terrible about it. Sometimes I get a wild hair and act irresponsibly. I hope Hia doesn't feel hurt because of me." Team sighs knowing he does, he saw it this morning in his eyes even though he tried to hide it. 

"Hey, its okay. Win is a big boy. Dont be so hard on yourself Team, this is your first relationship, besides that fact, this is not a relationship that is 'conventional'. You are dating another man so you are already at a disadvantage in this situation. Win knows better then anyone the toll it can take on a person when they first openly admit they like someone of the same gender. Win knows that you will make mistakes, he doesn't expect anything from you, just for you to be with him for a long time." He hopes that Team takes his words to heart, he remembers when Win told them about his preference, they all accepted it obviously but that didn't mean they were not concerned. This is tricky because Team and Win have very different personalities, he just hopes that Team loves his brother enough to wither the storm. 

Mr. Unromantic (Between us/Hemp Rope - Win&Team)Where stories live. Discover now