Best friend = Best man.

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Thank you for taking the time to read.

Just a quick update. There a few more chapters to go before it will be complete. Thank you for sticking till the end :D

I hope you enjoy :)


Win gets a message from Dean early in the morning asking him to meet for lunch. He agrees not having anything else to do since Team is at the club getting in a few laps. He and Dean hadn't been out in a while so it would be good to catch up. They see each other everyday at university but they never get the chance to hang out like they used to do before Pharm and Team came into their lives, now when they hang out its always as a group. He doesn't mind it, being in Teams space always is a pleasure for him. He gets a call from Dean, "What's up?"

"How about we meet at my house instead? Nobody is home."

"Sure, is everything okay?" Dean doesn't sound like anything is wrong but Win has to make sure.

"Can you stop mothering for one day?"

He hears the amusement in his voice, "Asshole. I will be there in half an hour. Make sure you have something good to eat, I'm starving." 


He parks his bike and sees Dean waiting for him at the door, "An escort? I approve."

Dean shakes his head smiling, "You wish, I'm waiting for the food to be delivered. Go ahead, get something to drink."

He slaps his shoulder as he passes and heads straight for the fridge needing something to cool him off. He falls back on the couch flipping through channels when Dean is back with food. They offload it all and sit down to eat. They have always been comfortable in each others company, they don't even have to speak to each other and its still not weird for them. Win feels like he will explode if he pits anymore food into his mouth, he stretches and notices Dean eyeing him. "Do I have something on my face?"

"No, I'm just thinking is all." He lowers his head. For some reason this feeling of sadness overtakes him. Looking at Win and thinking about the first day they met, the years they spent together making each others lives livable. He can always count on him in any situation. They have been brothers for the longest time. Win cuts into his thoughts.

"Dean? Are you sure you are okay? You look a little under the weather. " Win eyes him closely, confused. A minute ago he was perfectly normal, cracking jokes and being his grumpy self.

"Thank you for keeping me company, for being a friend to me while I searched for what I was missing. I don't think I would have had the strength to continue looking if not for you. You always stood by me no matter what happened and I want you to know that I care about you as if you are my own flesh and blood. Honestly speaking, maybe even more."

Win is taken aback, feeling like he is in shock almost. He and Dean always had each others back but they never expressed what they felt about each other, there was never a need to. They knew they were brothers, friends, family, this is not like him. "Are you terminally ill or something that I don't know about? Because I'm not going to lie man, you are kind of freaking me out."

Dean laughs, "Such a Win reaction." He watches as his face creased not quite understand what is happening. "I am perfectly fine, I just thought that we have been through a lot together and I want to tell you at least once that you will always be my best friend, the person I look to for everything. I depend on you so much and you never failed me once. So I wanted to say thank you, that's all."

"Uh thanks?" Win feels awkward, should he also say how Dean has helped him? Show his gratitude? Huh? "Are we having a moment?"

Dean laughs again, "You are such an idiot. You know this year we graduate right? We wont be in each others world as much. Once we both start working and then having responsibilities, it will pull us in different directions. You have things you want to do and I will have my stuff to take care of, when will we get to just sit down and hang out again after this year?"

Mr. Unromantic (Between us/Hemp Rope - Win&Team)Where stories live. Discover now