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Soft as feathers, his lips brushed against mine, and I surrendered, closing my eyes to the world. In that moment, I allowed myself to be carried away by the current of his touch.

The bustling crowd around us faded away, and the noise became a distant hum. It was as though time had paused, giving me a rare chance to savor life without any strings attached.

His kiss deepened, igniting a fire within me that I had never known before. Lost in the sensation, a soft moan slipped from my lips, breaking the spell that had momentarily transported me.

Reality crashed back, a wave of awareness washing over me. Panic surged as I remembered the truth: he was kissing me, believing I was Breeze, my twin sister. The same Breeze who was supposed to be the lead in this play, locked away in her room, voiceless and sick.

I could feel the ground shifting beneath me, and a pit formed in my stomach. This wasn't just a stolen kiss; it was a lie, a deceit that threatened to unravel everything. The golden boy of our school had no clue that the girl he was kissing was not the one he thought.

The realization hit me like a freight train.

The world around us snapped back into focus. The audience, the stage, the play – they were all still there, unchanged by the turmoil inside me. But my world had shifted, and I was left standing on the precipice of a revelation that could alter everything.

As the kiss ended, he pulled away, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. But my heart raced with a storm of emotions – guilt, fear, and a brewing storm of consequences.

Shit was about to hit the fan, and there was no stopping it. The curtain was rising not just on a play, but on a drama that was about to unfold with all the intensity of a hurricane. And I, in the eye of the storm, could only brace myself for the chaos that was about to be unleashed.

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