Chapter 6

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Before the entrance exam to U.A., all the prospective students were invited to an assembly hosted by the famous Present Mic, where he explained the test and robots. He welcomed the students and gave a rousing speech about the importance of heroism and how the exam would work. Nagisa, Kaede, Rio, and Karma sat side by side in the audience, their attention fixed on Present Mic as he delivered his worst with gusto. Meanwhile, Terasaka, Hayami, Chiba, Itona and others, who were also taking the heroics exam, sat in the row ahead of them.



"Isn't that the guy from the supermarket?"

Rio gasped, "Oh, my gosh, you're right! I knew I'd seen him before!"

Before they had left, Karasuma had given them a long speech about how they mustn't bring too much attention to themselves and to act normally, and Nagisa was trying very hard to remember his words. This was the most quirked people he had been around, and he really wanted to question every one of them.

Nagisa and Karma were assigned to Battle Center B, while Rio and Kaede were assigned to Battle Center A.

"Good luck, Nakamura, Kaede." Nagisa said to them both, jumping as Kaede enveloped him in a hug. "You'll do great, I'm sure of it,"


Nagisa and Karma travelled to the location by coach. As they arrived, Nagisa couldn't help but take in every little detail of the experience, while Karma lounged with his hands behind his head. Typical of Karma.

"Wow," Was all Nagisa could muster at the time, admiring mutant-quirked people and scanning through the group, before locking eyes with a familiar green-haired person.

And for once, it wasn't Kaede.

"Nami?/Midoriya?" The two said in unison.

"I didn't know you were taking the exam!" Nagisa exclaimed, running over to the boy and hugging him. Uncharacteristic, but he was actually really happy to see the boy after so long. "It's great to see you."

Izuku blushed, returning the hug weakly, "S-same here, it's good to see you too!" he said, voice wavering. He looked over his shoulder, meeting the red eyes of Karma. "A-and you, Karma."

"You're shaking, are you nervous?" Nagisa asked, releasing Izuku after feeling his tremoring hands against his back.

"E-extremely," The freckled boy responded.

Karma threw an arm around Izuku, pulling him close, "Don't stress it, it'll be fine,"

Nagisa nodded in agreement, "Yeah, just do your best."

Izuku took a deep breath and squared his shoulders, determination flickering in his eyes, "Right. Thank you, guys!"

Nagisa averted his gaze from Izuku and surveyed the rest of their group. His eyes settled on a petite girl with vibrant orange hair and a boy with jet-black hair who both looked very similar to Hayami and Chiba—

"Right, let's start!" The booming voice of Present Mic cut their conversation short. Nagisa looked up, squinting to see the blonde-haired man somewhere in a tower. "Get moving! There are no countdowns in real battles, RUN RUN RUN LISTENERS!"

Nagisa and Karma wasted no time, breaking into a sprint and quickly overtaking the rest of the crowd. Karasuma's training was already proving to be beneficial.

Karma stood just a hair's breadth in front of Nagisa when he turned around and taunted, "Think you can keep up, Nagisa?"

"Bring it on!" Nagisa shot back, accelerating until he was running at the same pace as Karma.

The two boys exchanged a competitive grin, their excitement brimming over. With a quick nod, Karma picked up his pace, and Nagisa matched him effortlessly as they sprinted through the fake city with ease. But just as they were about to turn a corner, a sudden gust of wind whizzed past them, followed by the clanking of metal. Nagisa and Karma skidded to a halt, scanning their surroundings for any signs of danger.

It was a 2-Pointer, Nagisa realized upon seeing the mechanical creature.

"Let me handle this," Karma growled, his voice low and threatening. "I've got it under control."

"Are you sure?"

"Gender, we're not teammates anymore. In fact, we're enemies now," Karma replied. "Just go."

Nagisa rolled his eyes. "So we're using code names now? Whatever. Good luck, Semi-Senioritis." And with that, he spun on his heel and dashed in the opposite direction. He wasn't worried about Karma; the devil could handle himself.

Nagisa sprinted through the artificial city and heard the clink of machinery in the distance.

A 1-Pointer came rolling towards Nagisa. The mechanical creature raised its fist, preparing to strike.

But Nagisa was ready. With lightning-fast reflexes, he ducked under the incoming fist and launched himself onto the robot's arm. Using its own momentum against it, he swung himself up onto its back and landed with a thud.

The robot pivoted to face him once again, but Nagisa was already one step ahead. He lunged forward, his legs coiling around the 2-Pointer's neck like a serpent. With a sudden twist, he snapped the machine's neck joint, causing it to crumple to the ground in a heap of metal.

As he fell backwards onto his backside, Nagisa caught a glimpse of 2-Pointers rapidly approaching him from the distance. He quickly scrambled to his feet, his eyes fixed on the incoming machines.

He defeated each machine with ease, earning some scratches but nothing serious. Once the last machine was defeated, he took a moment to catch his breath before scouring for others.

Nagisa rounded each corner, passing Izuku who was running in the opposite direction until he came across a 1-Pointer and two familiar figures. There was Hayami, her leg quivering, cradling Chiba in her arms. The towering 1-Pointer loomed over them, its fist poised to strike.

Without a moment of hesitation, Nagisa lunged toward Hayami, driven by his instincts to protect his friends. His mind repeated the mantra "save them, save them" on a loop.

And he would do nothing but that.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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