season i episode ii : what it takes to be a hero

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1st person


"n/n!!" My little sister called out as she ran over towards me, her small, young hands tugging on my joggers

"we're out of strawberries and you promised you'd make Hakkaido rolls tonight!!" she protested with a sad look scribbled onto her face 

i laughed at her antics and my older brother xeon walked into the room, leaning agaisnt the door, smiling playfully. 

"you did promise us you'd make it" 

i sighed and laughed gently. Ever since i can remember i've always been making food for my  brother and sister: whether it was lunch for school; dinners and desserts or even just a simple breakfast. It's not like they ever made me cook for them, it just felt like the nice thing to do. Besides it's not like our father was ever going to do it. There'd be the rare occasion, once a month, where he'd make us some random dinner and fore my brother and i into some formal family meeting about our quirks, hero conferences e.t.c. I always felt a tang of guilt whenever me and Xeon would sit at these as there'd be no-one for our little sister keiikai to be with. Father never bothered to include her as he felt no need. She had no quirk. Keiikais' around 5 now so we just assumed she was a late bloomer. Or we hoped so, for her sake.

"alright alright!" i reapeated, looking outside the closest window "i'll go pick some up now before it gets dark, in the meantime, go set the table, dinners just cooling in the fridge" i said, patting keiikai gently on the head 

i grabbed my keys and headed for the front door until i felt a dark presence loom over me 

"where do you think you're going?" father asked sternly 

i looked up with a straight look plastered onto my cold face "to mexico" i bluntly stated. Obviously unamused by my snarky remark he gritted his teeth like a dog and grumbled "y/n."

i sighed and pushed past him "to get strawberries you old man"

before he could protest i slammed the door shut with a slam


As i was walking down the street i zoned in and out, enjoying the peaceful silence as my footsteps echoed down the unusually quiet street. As i passed the park i could hear screams of laughter and joy as I saw some children happily playing, i smiled contently as I reminisced on what i unfortunately missed out on as a child. I barely got to play or socialise with other children and the only other people outside of my family young me had ever talked to were media reporters. I thought about this more and i knew how I didn't want this life for keiikai, it's not any life a kid should have to live and why should i put her through the torment me and my brothers had to face. i want to change this for her but if I'm being honest I don't know if i can...

i was so lost in my thoughts I almost didn't hear the loud explosion coming from down the more busy part of town. i rushed over to investigate the commotion and my face morphed into one of shock as I witnessed the sight in front of me

it was awful...!

a spiky-haired ash blonde was contained and captured by this green, icky sludge that encapsulated him. bright red burning flames surrounded them, i assumed it was the boys quirk as the likelihood of the sludge monster also being a fire monster was pretty small. i ran closer to the scene, noticing how shitting ugly that pile of goo was. As i came closer i saw heaps of pro heroes watching this all unfold.

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