Chapter 15 - The Siblings' Guardian

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Silkie POV

I felt that I was in a cold room alone. Something was nudging me, as if trying to wake me up. I open my eyes but no one was there.

"Hey now, you're awake!" I heard a happy voice. I stood up immediately and frantically look around the dark void. "Who's there?" I asked.

"Eh, no point in saying cuz you and I aren't meant to see each other yet." The voice responded.

"Then why are you here and talking to me?" I questioned. I heard a sigh. "I have no intention of scaring you, Silkie, however, I need to warn you...

"You will come across dangerous people while you're in Chaos. Be ready to defend yourself and fight back when necessary.

"But not everyone is completely terrible: they all have a good side. And Im sure you can find it."

It felt as if whoever was talking was walking around me. But I didn't know exactly where they were.

"But, what if I can't fight? Everyone tells me I have no abilities to defend myself with. And what if I can't find people's 'good side'?" I call out in a scared tone.

"Hehe, don't worry. Im sure you will." The voice now felt as if its speaker was right behind me. I even felt something like a warm breath against my neck.

"That's why I chose you."

I froze. "Chose me? For what? For who? Why-" However, I was cut short when streaks of blue light were flashing around the void.

"Oop, my time's up. Farewell Silkie. Until we meet again~"

I opened my eyes and I shot up. I realized I was still in Claws' room. I look around: I was right where I was when I fell asleep.

It was all a dream? But the warnings from the mysterious speaker- it sounded so real- "Oh, you're awake." An unfamiliar voice said to me.

I glanced at one of the tables and see a female Eclipsor taller than Claws. She had short, dark brown hair and her eyes were a bright yellow, unlike the typical red eyes of Eclipsors.

I guess she's Claws' sister. "Are you Serra?" I asked her. She smiled warmly. "Claws has been talking about me, huh? Yes, I am." She replied.

"Wait, what time is it? How long have I slept? Is it even morning or night?" I asked as I glance around, trying to find something that could hint at the time.

"Its early in the morning, kid. Claws and Rouse are still asleep." Serra pointed at both males who were sleeping on the same bed.

They were both kicking at each other and murming words in their sleep. But Claws said he didn't need to sleep... he must be really tired yesterday then.

I look back at Serra who was examining her talons. "You're Silkie right? Claws told us that Atcutlet took you in." She asked.

"Yeah, Atcutlet got a Juggerknight to bring me to him. But I still don't know why Atcutlet wants me here." I told her.

"Hmm, maybe he wanted to free you from Medusa or something." Serra continued to gaze at her fingers. "We'll never know though: Atcutlet has unpredictable intentions."

I look at her in confusion but I shrug. "When do you think Claws and Rouse will wake up?" I said.

"Well, when Claws sleeps, he always wakes up early." Serra explained as her yellow eyes stared at my cyan eyes. "But for Rouse, he's more of a heavy sleeper."

"Aww, I really wanted to meet Rouse soon." I pouted. "What if we wake him up?" I look at the sleeping Eclipsor beside Claws.

"If you want him to get really mad at you when he wakes up, sure, go ahead." Serra chuckled. "Fine, nevermind." I sighed as I decided to wait for Claws to wake up.

After 10 minutes, Claws began to stir and yawn. In a few moments, he sat up and stretched his arms and working wing.

When he saw me and Serra, he greeted us. "Mornin' Silkie. Mornin' sis." He said with a groggy voice and tired face.

"Good morning Claws!" I smile as I approach him. "Slept well?" "I should be asking you that." Claws chuckled. "But yes, I did. What about you?"

"I had a really weird dream but I slept fine." I replied. Claws nodded and turned to his older sister. "Hey sis, did you sleep?" He questioned.

Serra rolled her eyes. "You know I only sleep if you're awake so I can protect you while you rest." She answered.

Claws smiled as he continued stretching until he got out of bed and stood up. "So Silkie, do you want to go to Atcutlet or-"

"I wanna stay here and wait for Rouse to wake up." I then stare at the sleeping Eclipsor as he shifted around on the bed.

"Eh ok. But he'll probably wake up in an hour." Claws told me as he grabbed his quiver and bow from the table.

"Serra, can you watch Silkie for me? Im supposed to be with the scout team this morning."

"Sure, sure. She's in good hands." Serra responded with slight sarcasm as she began clawing at the rock walls to wear down her nails.

When Claws left, the room fell silent with the only sounds being Serra' scratching and Rouse's murmurs.

What was only an hour felt like a day as I tried to patiently wait for Rouse to wake up. All the while, I chatted with Serra.

It turns out that since Serra was the oldest, she was the most protective towards her siblings. She sometimes didn't even sleep just to be sure that her brothers were safe.

When Rouse would get mocked for being blind, Serra would hiss at the bullies and threaten to kill them. And when Claws got injured, Serra was there by his side while he was recovering.

Serra even went to live at the abandoned mine just to be there to watch and guard Claws and Rouse.

Time soon passed and I heard a yawn coming from Rouse's bed. I watch in excitement as he finally sat up and opened his pale red eyes.

"Ugh, good morning Serra... wait, is there someone else here?"

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