Chapter 3

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After being rescued from the crash, we had no choice but to head for Hong Kong, the nearest city.
I stand with Jotaro, Avdol and Kakyoin in front of a store, waiting for Mr. Jostar to finish the phone call he's making. I'm searching through my knapsack for something, humming softly.
Avdol is watching me with mild curiosity. "What are you looking for, Magnolia?" He asked me.
"I told you, call me Maggie," I say, then laugh in triumph as I grab the small, purple book. "Ah-ha!" I say, holding it up, "I knew it was a good idea to buy these at the airport!"
"A Mandarin Chinese travel dictionary," Avdol says, "smart. I'm guessing you don't know many other languages, other than Italian of course,"
I nod. "That's why I grabbed as many language books as I could. You never know when you'll end up in Istanbul or, hell, even St. Petersburg!" I smile wide, putting my bag on correctly, then thumbing through the book.
"Speaking of languages," Kakyoin says, "There's an Italian phrase I've heard you say, and I'm curious about the meaning,"
I look at him. "What phrase?" I ask.
"Figlio di puttana, I think," he says, "What does it mean?"
I stare at him, my smile dropping a little, then I stifle laughter, snorting a little. "Oh..." I say, "that. Uh..." I look at Avdol.
He quickly looks away from me, but I see him smiling.
I clear my throat. "It's exclamation, you know?" I say, shrugging, " means...'son of a harlot' in rough translation,"
"So...'son of a bitch'?" Jotaro asks.
I pause, and laugh nervously. "Eh, you could say that," I say, rubbing the back of my neck, "sounds a lot better in Italian, no?"
Avdol chuckles softly.
"Hey, big guy!" The man at the stand we're in front of calls out, probably trying to get Jotaro's attention, "Are you guys tourists? Want some rice porridge? If you're in Hong Kong, you gotta try dim sum or rice porridge. We have hot cola, too,"
I look at the cup the man holds up. "He can't be serious," I say, scrunching my nose, "hot cola? Like...heated? Like tea or coffee?" I look at Kakyoin.
He nods a little. "It can also be used as a remedy for colds, when mixed with ginger and lemon," he says.
"Oh, okay," I say, "but what about rice porridge? I mean, I like a good oatmeal or cream of wheat myself, but..." I shrug.
He chuckles a little. "Well, it's less like porridge, per-say, and more like rice pudding," he says, "it's a sort of breakfast dish, but also a general food staple here in Hong Kong. I can buy some, if you would like to try it," He turns to the man. "I'll have some the popular way, with pork and a century egg,"
"Coming right up!" The man says.
"Then I'll have-" Avdol starts, when we hear Mr. Jostar approaching.
"Hey!" He calls out, all of us turning to look at him, "What are you guys trying to eat? We're going to go to my friend's shop," he walks toward us.
"Oh, sorry, Signore Jostar," I say, rubbing the back of my neck, "I just have never had authentic Asian cuisine before! I mean...I've only ever had pastas, salads, and pizzas, of varying types...stuff like this is a very rare treat for an Italian like myself," I laugh nervously.
He looks at me, smiling a little.
"Hey, dandy guy," the shop owner says, "want to try some Hong Kong hot cola?"
"Hot?!" Mr. Jostar says, shocked, "Everybody knows that cola's supposed to be cold,"
"Old man," Jotaro says, "who were you calling?"
"Oh, that reminds me," I mutter, "I should probably give my Nono and Nona a call, tell them I'm okay..." I get out my wallet, "think there's an extra charge at a payphone for an international call?"
"I don't believe so," Avdol says, "you just need to reach international operator assistance,"
I nod. "I'll be right back," I say, walking quickly over to the pay phone Mr. Jostar was just at. I glance over my shoulder as I cross the street, and see Kakyoin following me, Avdol watching us from in front of the shop. I reach the phone, and pay the fee. "What do I dial for the operator?" I ask.
"It should be written somewhere in the booth," Kakyoin says.
"Gotcha," I say, looking around, "ah, found it," I dial the number, and wait for the operator to answer.
When they do, I give them my grandparent's number, and wait.
It takes a moment before my grandmother's voice comes over the phone. "Hello?" She says in Italian, "Who is this?"
"Hi, Nona," I say, also in Italian, "It's Maggie,"
"Oh! Maggie!" She says, sounding relieved, "I'm so glad. You're okay? Where are you?"
"I'm in Hong Kong, Nona," I say, smiling a little, glad that Hol Horse didn't attack them as well, "it's so interesting here! Did you know that serving cola hot is popular here?"
She chuckles a little. "I'm just glad you called," she says, "Alberto is asleep, but I'll let him know you checked in. Did you find Mr. Jostar?"
I look over my shoulder at Mr. Jostar. "Uh-huh," I say, "and I've met his grandson, too. I'm not sure if Jotaro likes me, but..." I shrug a little. "How's Matteo, Luca, and Marco? How'd they take the news?" A nervous feeling rises in my chest.
She sighs. "They all wished you would have stayed long enough to say goodbye to them," she says, "especially hearing that you were hurt. How are the injuries doing, by the way?"
I shrug. "They're alright," I say, "I'll live,"
She sighs again. "Maggie...stay safe, alright?" She mutters, "history has a tendency to repeat itself, and...well, we...we remember what happened to Cesar, yes?"
I sigh, clenching a fist. "I'll be okay, Nona," I say, "I've got some really good teammates to watch my back. I'll be back home as soon as I can,"
She sighs softly and nods. "Okay," she says, "I'll let you go now. Stay safe. Love you,"
"I love you too, Nona," I say, smiling, then hanging up. I take a deep, shaking breath, reaching up and gripping the side of the small box the telephone is hanging in. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to force the tears threatening to fall back to where they came from. I look up, take a deep breath, then step out of the booth.
"Are you alright?" Kakyoin asks.
I nod. "My grandfather was already asleep, so I could only talk with my grandmother," I say, "let's get back to the others,"
"If you need to take a moment, I can wait," he says.
I shake my head and grip my backpack straps. "I'm good," I say, smiling at him, "let's go,"
"Indeed," Mr. Jostar says, "it's now become impossible for us to fly to Egypt. If we encounter another Stand user like the last one on a commercial flight, we're sure to cause a disaster that will harm many people,"
We're all seated at a round table in a restaurant apparently owned by a friend of Mr. Jostar's.
I'm seated between him and Avdol, somewhat across from Kakyoin. I look at Mr. Jostar, and nod a little. 'I wouldn't want to fly again, anyway,' I think to myself, 'I've had enough of planes for now...'
"We'll have to get to Egypt by either land or sea," he continues.
A chill goes down my spine when he mentions the sea. "Preferably land..." I mutter, hoping no one hears me.
"But, if we fail to meet Dio within fifty days..." Avdol says, then pauses, not wanting to finish the grim thought.
I grip my baseball cap, which I've taken off and placed in my lap. I grit my teeth a little.
"If we had stayed on that plane, we'd probably be in Cairo by now," Kakyoin says.
I sigh. "Or," I say, "That Stand user would have crashed the plane anyway, and we would have died,"
"I'm aware of that," Mr. Jostar says, "both of your statements are true. But it's too soon to worry about it,"
We all pause, and look at Mr. Jostar in amazement.
"A hundred years ago, Jules Verne wrote a story in which the protagonist traveled around the world in 80 days," Mr. Jostar says, "traveling 40,000 kilometers. That was in the age of trains and steamboats. Even without a plane, in fifty days, we'll be able to travel 10,000 kilometers to Egypt," He reaches into his coat and grabs a parchment. He unfolds it and spreads it on the table in front of him. "As for the route..." he says, looking at the map, "I say we go by sea,"
I sigh softly. 'Oh, boy,' I think, 'Lucky me,'
We all stand up or lean a little to see the map better.
"We'll charter a suitably-sized boat," Mr. Jostar continues, tracing a path on the paper with his finger, "and go around the Malay peninsula, and cross the Indian Ocean. It'll be the Silk Road of the sea,"
"I believe that is best, as well," Avdol says, "If we go by land, borders will be a hassle. And we'd have to cross the Himalayas and a desert. If we ran into trouble, we'd lose a great deal of time. There are too many dangers,"
I nod a little, though I'm still wary about the sea.
"I haven't been to any of those places using either route," Kakyoin says, "so I can't say anything. I'll leave it up to you two,"
"Same," Jotaro says.
Avdol and Mr. Jostar looked at me.
"What?" I ask.
"You're part of the group," Mr. Jostar says, "You should have some input, or at least give an opinion,"
I smile a little. "Ah, so its democracy, not patriarchy," I chuckle, winking and pointing a finger-gun at Mr. Jostar, "Gotcha!"
He chuckles a little.
"You've seemed to be on edge since even the mention of the sea," Avdol says, "anything you would like to share?"
I pause, and shake my head, quickly. "Uh, nah," I say, quickly, biting the inside of my cheek a little, "I just...haven't done much sea-travel in my life..."
He nods a little, and looks at Mr. Jostar.
Mr. Jostar is looking at the map. "Then it's decided," he says, looking up, "The greatest danger will be the Stand users that Dio sends against us. We'll have to do our best to get to Egypt without being spotted,"
I nod a little. I then look at Kakyoin, who's taking the lid off of the tea-pot in front of himself, and setting it a little askew on the pot.
Jotaro also looks at him, and seems as confused as I am.
Kakyoin notices our confusion and chuckles a little. "This is a sign to let them know we want more tea," he says, "If you do this in Hong Kong, they'll bring you seconds,"
I nod a little, interested, as a waitress walks up to the table.
She pours some tea into the cup next to Kakyoin.
"Also, when they pour tea into your cup..." he taps the table twice, "this means, 'thank you',"
I smile a little, and nod. "Interesting..." I mutter, "it's like a language all of its own!"
"Exactly," Kakyoin says.
The woman walks up to me and pours me some tea, and I imitate what Kakyoin did, muttering "Grazie..." as well.
"Excuse me, do you have a moment?" A man says, walking up to us with his menu shielding his face.
I look over my shoulder at the fairly tall, silver-haired man, and raise an eyebrow at him.
"I'm a tourist from France," he continues, closing the menu, "and I'm having a hard time with the kanji on the menu. Would you please help me out?"
"You're annoying," Jotaro says, "Go away,"
I click my tongue. "Jotaro," I say, crossing my arms, "how would you like for someone to treat you like that in somewhere you've never been?"
Avdol looks from the stranger to me. "Maggie, why don't you use your Mandarin Chinese dictionary to help him?" He asks, "In fact, it might help all of us, since I'm not very sure of some of the items either,"
"I don't need any help," Mr. Jostar says, waving his hand a little, "I've been to Hong Kong, so I can at least read the kanji on the menu,"
I narrow my eyes at the newcomer, but sigh. I nod a little. "Alright, pull up a chair, Francese," I say, getting out the small book.
"Merci, Madame," he says, grabbing a chair from a nearby table and pulling it up, in between me and Avdol.
We both lean around him a little, and exchange a slightly suspicious look.
"If you're so sure, order for yourself, Old Man," Jotaro says.
Mr. Jostar crosses his arms and sighs. "Let her order for us," he says, "it's her first time here, after all, and we'll be sharing the dishes either way. Get enough for all of us, Maggie, and don't worry about price!" He grins wide.
I look at him, a little nervous.
Kakyoin looks at me. "If you have any questions about any dishes, Maggie, feel free to ask," he says.
I nod, looking from the menu to the dictionary. I look up and get the attention of the waiter. "Uh...I think...this, and...this..." I pointed out a few dishes that sounded good, occasionally asking about them.
After the waiter leaves, the stranger clears his throat softly.
"Excusez-moi if this is a little...personal,'re not Italian, by any chance?" He asks me, leaning on the table with one elbow, giving a faint, actually somewhat charming smile.
I can't help but smile back. "I am, Signore," I say, "native to Roma,"
He raises his eyebrows a little bit. "A fair bit far from home, aren't you?" He says, "though, I'm one to talk," He chuckles a little, "I'm from the French countryside, myself."
I nod a little. I can't quite place it, but there's something a little off about this man.
Something insincere.
Our food arrives, and I smile a little.
"I hope I made good choices," I say, smiling nervously, "I think the only weird one I got was the...Phoenix Talons? They're fried and steamed chicken feet," I chuckle nervously, "I was just curious,"
Other than the chicken feet, there is a plate of Sweet and sour pork, steamed shrimp dumplings, and a bowl of wontons.
"It all looks great!" Mr. Jostar says, "boy, am I hungry...well, everyone, dig in!"
We all start taking food, and starting to eat.
I nervously grab a chicken foot with my chopsticks, still a little clumsy with them, and sniff it.
It doesn't smell too bad.
I pause, and nibble on it a little. I'm pleasantly surprised about the taste, and giggle a little. "Oh! Okay..." I mutter.
Mr. Jostar chuckles a little, looking at me.
"Well, they've certainly taken a lot of time to prepare this," the stranger says, grabbing a star-shaped carrot from the sweet and sour pork plate, "look, these carrots...they're shaped like stars. It reminds me of something..."
We all pause.
An eerie feeling washes over the table.
I grit my teeth, and glance up at the stranger.
"That's right," he says, "someone I know has this exact mark on their neck..."
I grip my hat in my lap, and set down my chopsticks. Anger rises in my chest.
"You..." Kakyoin says, "...are you another..."
The man smirks. He places the carrot on his neck as the table shakes, and the wonton bubbles.
A long, thin sword, a rapier, erupts from the soup, making all of us gasp.
"Mr. Jostar, look out!" Avdol calls out.
The sword swishes around, and slashes at Mr. Jostar.
"It's a Stand!" He calls out. He catches the sword in his hand, between his fingers.
I yelp a little, as Avdol flips the table. I stand up quickly, toppling my chair, putting my hat on. I stand ready for anything, my hands tingling with Hamon again.
"Magician's Red!" Avdol says, his stand appearing behind him again.
Magician's Red breathes fire at the enemy Stand, a full suit of armor holding a rapier.
The stand somehow catches the fire around it's sword, the flames swirling around it and being redirected at our overturned table.
Mr. Jostar grabs me, and pulls me away from the fight. "I don't want you getting burnt," he says.
I nod a little.
We watch as the fire on the table forms numbers around the edge, like a clock.
"H-his sword is so fast..." Kakyoin says.
"My stand holds the Chariot card!" The Stand User announces, "Silver Chariot! Mohammed Avdol, it appears that you want to die first. I've made a fire clock on that table! I will kill you by the time that clock burns to twelve!"
"Your sword is terrifyingly fast," Avdol says, "it's amazing, but do you really think you'll defeat me by the time the flames on that table strike 12? Aren't you being rather conceited, Mister...?"
"Polnareff," the man says, "Allow me to introduce myself. Jean Pierre Polnareff,"
"Merci beaucoup," Avdol says, a hint of humor in his voice, "I appreciate your introduction. But..." he points to the flaming table, making it fall on its face, "Monsieur Polnareff, don't assume that my flames always burn upward or downwind as they would in nature. It is called Magician's Red because it controls flames freely,"
Polnareff scoffs a little. "In the beginning, this world was engulfed in flames," he says, "I expect nothing less from Magician's Red, who controls the flames that suggest the beginning of all things. But, you say I'm being conceited? You're saying that my swordsmanship is mere conceit?!" He throws a handful of coins in the air.
We all gasp as we watch his stand move, quick as a flash.
"In the moment they lined up, he pierced five coins in a single strike!" Mr. Jostar exclaims.
"No," Jotaro says, "take a closer look,"
I furrow my eyebrows, and look at the five coins, lined up on the sword. I gasp a little. "There's flames between each coin..." I mutter, "!"
Avdol looks somewhat concerned about this.
Polnareff scoffs a little. "It appears you understand what this means," he says, "it is not conceit. My Stand has the power to sever even fire! It can slash the very air and create gaps between nothingness and nothingness. Which means your Magician's Red is powerless before my Silver Chariot."
We watch as the stand disappears, the coins dropping to the floor.
The door opens, and we all turn to see Polnareff leaving.
"When did he-" Avdol mutters.
I sigh and roll my eyes a little. I smirk softly, and start to slowly, sarcastically applaud.
The others look at me, somewhat shocked.
"Great show, Francese," I say, "Don't know if I should pay you or not. If you're so confident in your powers, why not take me on, instead of Avdol?"
"Maggie!" Avdol says, mildly horrified, "what are you-"
I hold up a hand, glancing at him. I look back at Polnareff. "What do you say, Francese?" I ask, "I shouldn't be too much of a problem. Hell, I don't even have a stand! I'd be a good warm up before these four, which would be a real challenge," I smirk, crossing my arms.
Polnareff looks over his shoulder at me. A very faint smile flickers across his face. "Alright. I'll take your offer, femme italienne," he says, "but, I'll tell you something, first: The card that my Stand has, The Chariot, suggests conquest and victory. I don't mind taking care of you in this cramped little space, but the battle would be much more interesting in a wide open space, would it not? You'd be able to use whatever skills or tricks you may have. It'd be a fitting victory," he looks back out the door, and leaves the building. "All of you, outside!" He calls back to us.
I nod a little, taking a deep breath. I grab my bag from the front door, and follow him.
Avdol catches up to me. "Maggie, what are you doing?!" He asks, "You know you can't defeat a stand!"
"I don't have to defeat the stand," I say, "I have to defeat the user. And, besides, this'd be a perfect opportunity to try and find my own stand, right?" I look at him, and smile. "I'll be fine,"
"But, you're still somewhat injured," he says, his eyes flicking to the bandage on my right shoulder, "are you sure you're fit to fight?"
I nod. "I'll be fine," I repeat, though it feels like it's more to calm myself than anything.
We follow Polnareff to an area filled with strange statues.
I look around in amazement.
"What is this place?" Mr. Jostar asks.
Kakyoin chuckles a little. "This is Tiger Balm Garden," he says.
"What?" Mr. Jostar says, turning to him.
I also look at Kakyoin.
We follow Polnareff to something of a courtyard, and he walks to the other side, and faces us.
"I will make a prediction here," he says, turning, Silver Chariot appearing behind him, "first, Madame, I will not kill you, for the sole reason of me not knowing your name,"
I tilt my head a little, setting down my bag next to Avdol. I grab my baseball bat from the bag, and turn my hat around to face the right way. I tap my bat off of one of my boots and then the other. I then stand, facing him, feet shoulder-width apart, pointing the baseball bat at him. "How rude of me, Jean Pierre Polnareff," I say, smirking, "I am Magnolia Constantine Zeppeli, and I have no intentions to kill you either," I tilt my head up a little, looking past the bill of my hat at him.
He watches me, intently. "I'm curious how you intend to defeat me," he says, "for one important reason: I know of the others in your group, but I've never heard of you,"
"Maybe because you buddy, Dio, thinks I'm dead," I grin, but anger bubbles in my chest, "apparently Hol Horse hasn't admitted his defeat to him yet," I grin wider. I roll my neck, cracking it, and lean forward a little. I focus my Hamon on my front foot, giving me a boost, and I dash forward, transferring my Hamon to my bat.
Silver Chariot appears, and swishes its blade at me.
I swing my bat, but not at him. I swing it at the ground in front of me, using the Hamon to boost me up into the air, turning a somewhat-less-than-graceful flip over Polnareff, landing with a heavy impact behind him. I take no time and swing at him, hitting the back of his knee, knocking him down.
He yelps in surprise, falling to his knees. He then laughs. "You're quite the tricky fighter, aren't you?" He says, standing up, brushing off his knees, and looking over his shoulder at me, "But, no more playing around, la fillette,"
Silver Chariot appears again, and swings at me.
I yelp a little, and raise my bat, focusing my Hamon again.
We clash, sending a bit of a shock wave out.
I smirk slightly, hiding the fact that I'm a little shaken by the impact. "What was that about you being able to slice anything?" I taunt.
He raises an eyebrow, just barely holding back a soft smile, then Silver Chariot starts to swing at me again, continuously. He smirks. "You can handle one fairly well," he says, "but what about this?"
I watch as his Stand splits into seven, and they all start to swing at me as well. "Non bene..." I mutter
"Shadow clones!" He declares, "only one is the real stand, but can you tell which?" He laughs.
The Clones circle me.
I yelp a little, trying my best to both dodge and counter the strikes as they get faster and faster. 'Why am I now feeling like this was a really bad idea?' I ask myself.
Some slashes make their way to me, and I shrink back from the stinging strikes.
I grit my teeth, trying my best to keep myself from being cut to shreds.
"Polnareff!" Avdol calls out, "Enough! She's barely holding on!"
"I'm fine, Signore Avdol!" I call out, though I'm trying to convince myself as well. I dodge one clone, and duck under its legs.
Something catches my attention.
The clones shimmer at a certain angle in the light. The Stand doesn't.
I smirk, dodge another clone, and stand in my slide, swinging my bat as hard as I can.
A sort of golden glow, different from Hamon, envelops not just the bat, but me as well.
I squeeze my eyes shut as I continue the swing, and make contact with Chariot's chest plate, making a sound like some kind of gong. My ears ring from the impact that ripples out from us. I open my eyes, breathing heavily.
The clones disappear, knocked down by the blast.
Polnareff stares up at me from the ground, also knocked back from the blast.
"Maggie!" Avdol's voice calls across the courtyard.
I look at my comrades, watching us from a distance.
There's a look of shock and amazement, and some of pride, on all of their faces.
Avdol points behind me. "Look!" He says.
I furrow my eyebrows, seeing Polnareff's amazed expression as he looks behind me as well. I turn a little, seeing somewhat translucent hands, much larger than my own, holding the bat as well, overlapping with my hands. I turn more, and squint a little as the bright golden light surrounding the figure dims, revealing a tall, strong-looking man.
The man looks at me, and feels strangely familiar. He's made entirely of a kind of gold light. He has fluffy hair, and a sort of patterned headband tied around his head. A scarf is draped around his shoulders, sort of floating weightlessly. He's somewhat translucent, fading more and more toward his feet. He looks at me, and gives a warm smile.
Then it clicks.
A warm feeling blooms in my chest.
I gasp and smile softly. "Prozio?" I mutter, tears filling my eyes. I grin widely, and turn back to Polnareff. "Guess what, Francese?" I call out, "looks like I'm not as defenseless as you thought!" I make a movement to run forward, and the golden figure dashes forward.
Polnareff scrambles to his feet, and Chariot starts to swing his sword at the figure. Polnareff seems somewhat shaken up by the sudden appearance of my Stand.
I keep my focus on the figure, dodging the sword at relatively the same rate as the swings are made. I want to test something, so I take a step forward. I smile a little, finding it easy to multitask. I dash forward, dodging the Stands, sliding like a hitter stealing second, and sweep my bat under Polnareff's feet, knocking him on his front.
He quickly tries to turn himself, and I scramble to my feet as well.
I get to him, and pin him to the ground, my left boot on his right wrist, right knee buried in his stomach, bat across his throat. I glance up to see my Stand holding Chariot still as well, holding both of it's wrists with one hand, his other hand holding the back of it's head. I grin, and look down at Polnareff. "Looks like I win, Francese," I say, "fair and square,"
He glares up at me, then sighs. He looks away from me. "Fine," he says, "it was indeed fair. Kill me if you must," He closes his eyes.
I lean back a little, and furrow my eyebrows. I loosen my grip on my bat a little. "I'm not a monster..." I mutter, "And neither are you. You seem to actually be a nice guy, not like that guy on the plane. You've got honor, maybe a touch too much of pride, but that's not always a bad thing..." I smile a little.
That's when something catches my attention.
"'re not doing this on your own..." I mutter. I raise a hand and gently move his hair a little, just above his hairline, and grit my teeth. "Hey, Jotaro!" I call over my shoulder, "I need some help here. I'll hold his head still,"
"Yeah," Jotaro says, Star Platinum appearing behind him.
Almost as quick as with Kakyoin, Star Platinum removes the flesh bud from Polnareff's head, then holds it into the sunlight, turning it to dust.
I stand up, unpinning Polnareff, and take a step back. I offer a hand to help him up. "We're good now, huh, Francese?" I say, smiling, "No hard feelings? Sorry for roughing you up," I chuckle a little.
He props himself up on his elbows, sort of staring up at me, awestruck. He smiles wide, and grabs my hand. "I apologize as well, if I hurt you," he says, standing up, "you seem to have a few cuts,"
I chuckle a little, and wave away his comments. "Eh, I can handle a few cuts," I say. I grit my teeth a little, feeling the injury on my side ache a little. 'Damn, I hope I didn't reopen that one,' I think, 'I was nearly done with it, too,'
"Maggie!" Mr. Jostar cheers, "You found your Stand!"
I turn and smile wide at him. I look at my stand, my Great Uncle, tears coming to my eyes again. "The spitting image, huh?" I mutter, then look at Mr. Jostar.
He nods, a look of nostalgia in his eyes. "Almost exactly like Cesar," he says, "I had a theory, watching you readying for the fight. When I saw you use Hamon before, to heal Kakyoin, it wasn't as brilliant gold as this light was. I don't think you even realized you were using your stand. In fact, you may have been using it for years without realizing. You always charge sprints and stunts like that?"
I nod. "I do," I say, "I may be strong, but I'm not nearly strong enough to do that on my own," I chuckle a little.
He nods. "Hamon on it's own can't do that, either," he says, "It was an early manifestation of your Stand. I think now, having to use all of your mental and physical power to dodge and counter Silver Chariot, that is what finally got it to show itself,"
I nod a little. "I think I understand," I say, smiling. I look over at Avdol as he approaches me.
He is pulling a deck of cards out of a pocket in his robe, but I put a hand up to stop him.
"I know you probably want to name it after a Tarot card," I say, "but I'm going to end up calling it Ceasar anyway, so..."
He pauses, a little amazed, then nods, putting the cards away. "Then, allow me to at least embellish a little," he says, "Magnolia Zeppeli, your Stand will now be known as: Cesar's Golden Glory," He smiles.
I smile as well, and glance at the figure of my great uncle.
He smiles back, and gives a small, two-fingered salute as he disappears.

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