Chapter 7

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I'm packing up my bag the next morning, before we meet up with the others, with Polnareff watching me.
"What all do you have in that?" he asks, packing items into his own bag.
I tilt my head. "Just the essentials," I say, "clothes, first aid kit, some books, food, drink-"
He then reaches into my bag, grabbing a bag of peach rings from it. "Food, huh?" he asks, teasingly, "someone's got a sweet tooth!"
"Hey!" I say, "give that back!" I stand up to take my bag back, but he also stands, keeping the bag from my reach.
He reaches into my bag again and roots around a bit more. "Peach rings, hard candies, fruit punch..." he says, then looks at me, "is that the food you were talking about?" He laughs a little.
I snatch the gummies from him, snatch back my bag, and shove it back into my bag. "That's all they had at the airports, okay?!" I say, not looking at him, feeling my face heat up, "I had crisps and other things before, but...I ate them,"
He laughs a little. "That's a lot of sugar!" he says, "And you didn't think about sharing any?"
I stick my tongue out at him, like a child. "Tell me what you like, and I may share..." I mutter.
He pauses. "That...that's actually really kind," he says, his tone softening, "You sure? Don't waste your money on me..."
I chuckle. "It's not a waste if it'll be used!" I say, looking at him, "what kind of sweets do you like?"
He pauses, thinking. "Chocolate, especially dark chocolate..." he says, "and anything cherry or strawberry flavored,"
I smile a little. "Gotcha," I say, winking at him, watching a faint blush dust his cheeks, "Now let's get going. We don't want to be late for the train,"
I'm sitting next to Polnareff on the train, across a table from Avdol and Mr. Joestar.
Polnareff is sitting at the window, elbow on the table, chin in his hand, watching the countryside whip past the window. "Good grief..." he says, "...We're finally on our way to India,"
I nod. "And on land this time, thankfully," I mutter, looking through my little sudoku book I had picked up at the train station to keep me occupied. I glance over at Polnareff.
He looks forward, sitting up a little. "And the man with two right hands is called Centerfold..." he says, an odd determination, almost an anger, in his voice.
We all look at him, and I look at Avdol, a little worried.
He gives me a similar kind of look.
"By the way, where did Anne run off to?" Polnareff asks, his tone shifting back to his normal kind of tone. He then looks at me, "Weren't you supposed to keep an eye on her?" He asks.
"I'm not her mom!" I protest, "or her babysitter! She can take care of herself!"
"She was hanging around Singapore station before our train departed, but..." Mr. Joestar says, trailing off a little.
"I'm sure it was time for her to meet her father," Avdol says.
"That story about her dad sounded real fishy to me," Polnareff says, "I bet she's a runaway!"
"Nothing wrong with that," I say, "though...I can admit, it's weird being the only girl in the group again,"
"Yeah, it's a little lonely without that little rugrat, right, Jojo?" Polnareff says, looking at Jotaro.
Jotaro chuckles softly.
"It's eerie..." Kakyoin says, "to think, a Stand could disguise himself as me,"
"Seems he had already turned into you by the time I left the hotel," Jotaro says.
"Jojo, are you going to eat that cherry?" Kakyoin asks, pointing to the cherries on Jotaro's plate, "Not to be greedy, but they are my favorite. Could I have one?"
"Yeah, sure," Jotaro says, though he seems a little suspicious.
"Thank you," Kakyoin says, taking a cherry, and putting it in his mouth, but, instead of biting it, just sort of moves it around in his mouth, staring out the window.
I chuckle a little, rolling my eyes, but Jotaro seems more on edge. I tilt my head a little. "You okay, Jojo?" I ask.
He ignores me, still watching Kakyoin.
"Oh, look, Jojo," Kakyoin says, "Flamingos in flight,"
"Oh, good grief..." Jotaro mutters.
I chuckle again, and turn back to my sudoku book.
"Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore," Mr Joestar says as we stand in a ferry he's hired, "So, the Indian leg of our journey is finally upon us...but, well, I'm a little worried,"
I look at him, tilting my head. "That's...not good..." I mutter, making Polnareff chuckle.
"I've always heard India is the land of curry and rampant disease," Mr. Joestar says.
"I'm worried my stomach won't be able to handle the culture gap," Polnareff says.
Everyone seems to be looking at Avdol.
"Why are you guys looking at him...?" I mutter, and look at Avdol as well, but more confused.
Avdol chuckles. "That assessment is rather distorted," he says, "you needn't worry. It's a beautiful country with wonderful people. That, I assure you,"
I smile softly and nod.
The boat rumbles to a stop, and Avdol opens the door.
"So, this is Calcutta," he says, "let's get going,"
I lean around Mr. Joestar, Polnareff leaning around me, looking out of the door at our new location. "Mio Dio..." I mutter.
As we make our way down the busy city streets, we are bombarded by people, mostly children, asking for tips, asking to carry our bags for us, asking if we want tattoos, or anti-venom.
Through this entire endeavor, the others in the group have somewhat circled around me, protecting me from the locals.
I keep one hand on the back of Avdol's robe, the other securely hugging my backpack to my chest. "Gesu, this is kinda crazy..." I mutter.
"I stepped in a pile of cow shit..." I hear Mr. Joestar say, "Maggie, watch your feet,"
"I don't need any," I hear Polnareff telling someone.
"Someone has already stolen my wallet!" Kakyoin says.
"Hey! Don't rub your nose on my stuff!" Polnareff says to someone.
There's a crowd of children constantly bothering Jotaro for tips, saying he won't go to heaven if he doesn't give them money.
"Avdol? So, this is India," Mr. Joestar says.
"See?" Avdol says, "Great country, isn't it?" He then laughs a little, "They're what make India great, don't you think?"
I chuckle a little, but look warily at the crowd around us.
Later on in the day, we're all seated at a restaurant.
I take a deep breath, taking my hat off, and wiping my forehead on the back of my hand. "One can really work up a sweat here, huh?" I mutter.
Avdol laughs a little. "Here," he says, gesturing to the drinks in front of us, "try this. This is chai. I think you'll find it to your liking,"
I nod a little, and take a sip of the heated drink in front of me. I pause, and chuckle a little. "It tastes like pan dulcis!" I chuckle, raising a hand to my mouth.
Polnareff looks at me, and takes a sip of his, and laughs a little. "It is a bit like pain perdu," he says.
Kakyoin looks at us oddly. "You...both said different things, but seem to be in agreement?" He asks, "What...what are you talking about?"
Avdol laughs a little. "I think you would know it, Kakyoin, as English French Toast," he says, "or at least that's a variety of it that is popular in Japan. What Magnolia said, pan dulcis, roughly translates to 'sweet bread', while Polnareff referred to the French variety, pain perdu, or 'lost bread'," he then laughs again, looking at me, "Which is a very apt comparison to the mixture of spices in chai,"
I nod a little while drinking more of my tea.
Mr. Joestar sighs a little after drinking some of his tea. "At last, a little peace!" He says.
"Be patient with India," Avdol says, "Once you get used to it, you'll see how wonderful this country is,"
I smile softly. "That's how most think most places are, huh?" I say.
"You know," Jotaro says, "I kinda like this place. It's pretty cool,"
"What, Jotaro?" Mr. Joestar says, almost sounding aghast or offended, "You can't be serious!"
Polnareff sighs after drinking more of his tea. "Talk about culture shock," he says, "Guess I'll like it once I get used to it, huh?" He grabs his bag that was on the ground next to him, and stands up. "Well," he says, "I suppose people adapt to their surroundings eventually," he looks at a waiter who was standing by our table, "Where's the john?" He asks.
"Right over there, sir," he says, pointing toward the back of the restaurant.
Polnareff nods and begins to walk away.
"Ehi, Franchese," I say, turning to watch him leave.
He looks over his shoulder. "Yeah?" He says.
"We were going to order," I say, "What do you want to eat?"
"Pick for me," he says, "It'd better be something amazing. Something gorgeous and sophisticated that suits a Frenchman like moi. I trust your judgment, Italienne," he winks a little as he turns away again and continues toward the restrooms.
"Which means it doesn't matter," Kakyoin says, making me chuckle, "Let's see, something he'll like..."
I lean toward Kakyoin, looking at the menu he's holding. "Nothing with too much...much, you know?" I say, "I was going to try and stay away from that, too. France and Italy have similar cuisine, so...we have similar limits to what we can take, culturally," I chuckle nervously.
He nods a little.
I look over his shoulder, looking at the menu in front of him, when I suddenly get an odd feeling.
It starts as a pit in my stomach, then it blooms into something like a chill, starting at my tailbone and climbing up my spine to the base of my skull. It's almost as if ice cold hands grabbed onto my spine and shook it.
I shudder a little, and rub my arm, the pit in my stomach returning. I'm reminded of when we were on the plane, before the Stand User attacked.
And when we first met Polnareff.
And the weird feeling I got when Polnareff was alone in his hotel room.
I furrow my eyebrows, starting to wring my hat between my hands.
Avdol looks at me. "Are you alright, Magnolia?" He asks, gently.
I nod a little, but then shake my head. "I..." I say, then take a deep breath, "I have a weird feeling..."
He looks concerned. "Weird feeling?" He asks, "How so?"
I shrug a little. "Like...a chill up my spine," I say, " that I think of it...I get them whenever we meet a new Enemy Stand User..."
He looks more concerned, and quickly looks up, looking around. "Can you say for sure that's what it is?" He asks.
I shrug. "Not for sure, but..." I say, "it's too much to be a coincidence,"
He nods, and turns to Mr. Joestar, but before he can say anything, Polnareff rushes out into the restaurant again. He seems slightly roughed up, out of breath. "Damn it!" He hisses, his eyes scanning around the area.
I furrow my eyebrows. "What's wrong, Franchese?" I ask.
"What is this about?" Mr. Joestar asks. 
He doesn't seem to hear us, or is actively ignoring us. "If that...If that was a Stand," he mutters, "then that means...Then that means he's here!" He wheels around to face us, an intense, almost frightening expression on his face. "Jotaro!" He says, "It's the Stand user you heard about, the one who uses the mirrors! The bastard who killed my sister!"
Avdol and I look at each other, and other than concern for Polnareff, I see a kind of fear in his eyes for me.
The fact that my feeling was real seems to scare him.
"Are you sure it's him?" Jotaro asks.
Polnareff does not answer him. "Mr. Joestar," he says, turning to face him, "I'll be traveling on my own from here on out,"
"What?" Me and Mr. Joestar said at the same time. 
"With my sister's murderer finally within reach," Polnareff says, "I'll be damned if I'm going to wait for him to come after me. It would put me at a disadvantage, and that's just not my style. I'll find him first and kill him!"
"But we don't even know what he looks like," Kakyoin says, "or what his Stand is,"
"He's got two right hands," Polnareff says, hefting his bag over his shoulder, "that's enough for me! And he knows I'm after him, so he'll be on the defensive. See ya," He turns, waves, and walks toward the door.
The pit in my stomach churns and turns into something like a smoldering ember.
I grit my teeth, and stand up.
"Maggie?" Kakyoin says, looking up at me, but I ignore him.
I storm after Polnareff, and once we're outside, with as much force as I can muster, I throw my hat at him.
It hits his shoulder with a sharp FWAP! making him jump.
He turns, looking both shocked and angry, rubbing his shoulder. "What the hell?!" He says, looking at me, "Maggie?!"
"So, that's it then?" I say, trying not to yell at him, "You're just...done? Leaving? Like we don't matter, like nothing happened?"
"The hell does it matter?!" He responds.
"It matters because you're alone!" I snap, "we're supposed to be in this together, that's the whole point of this team!" 
"I never once gave a damn about Dio," he growls, "I told you in Hong Kong I'd tag along so I could get my revenge. Mr. Joestar and Jotaro already know this. I've been alone from the start! I've always been fighting alone!"
I grit my teeth, tears starting to well up in my eyes. "You don't have to be," I say, softening my tone, "Please...Jean..."
He pauses, tensing up for a second, then scoffs a little. "No," he says, turning away, "I won't let you throw away your life for me...I need to do this, Maggie, you must understand that. You lost your parents, don't you want the man who did that to pay?"
I grit my teeth. "And who will make you pay for killing him?" I say, angrily, crossing my arms, "who do you expect to get revenge on them for killing you, because I sure as hell won't!"
He quickly turns to face me, enraged. "I would never ask you to avenge me, so get that idea out of your head!" He shouts, tears streaming down his face. He takes a deep breath, and looks away. "Go back to your friends..." he says, "...I'm sure they're worried about you,"
"I'm worried about you!" I shout, tears rolling down my cheeks, "This will destroy you, Polnareff! We don't know how his stand works, you're up against someone we know next to nothing about!"
"That doesn't mean I can't try!" He responds, "and, if I meet Hol Horse, all the better: I'll make sure he pays for your parents,"
I tense up, gritting my teeth, a red-hot flush washing over my face. "Don't. You. DARE. Turn this on me like that!" I snapped at him, "I would never ask you to kill a man for me!"
"You wouldn't have to," he says, "and I will. Goodbye, Magnolia. I hope we meet again one day," He turns his back to me, and starts to walk away.
I grit my teeth, watching his back grow further and further away. I growl, pick my hat up, and, wringing it through my hands again, chuck it at the ground. "Sei assolutamente idiota, egoista, figlio di puttana, Francese!" I shout, then wipe my eyes on my arm. I take a deep breath, pick up my hat, pat it off on my leg, and storm back into the restaurant.
Avdol was standing by the door, and gently grabbed my arm. "Magnolia..." he mutters.
I turn to him, and rest my head on his chest, sobbing. "It's like I-...we...we meant nothing to him!" I sob. I look up at him. "Why does it hurt?" I mutter, tapping a hand against my chest.
He takes a deep breath. "Because, as much as you tell yourself you don't," he says, softly, "you care for him...and it hurts to see him disregard all those who want to help him...correct?"
I sigh, and nod. "He doesn't have to be alone..." I mutter, "...why doesn't he get it?"
Avdol sighs softly. "He's stuck in his past," he says, "can't see what he has in front of him..."
I sigh softly, tears continuing to run down my face.
"So he really did leave us after all," Kakyoin says, a tone of disbelief in his voice.
After spending the better part of the rest of the day asking people if they've seen the man with two right hands, I'm now speaking with a man sitting in an alleyway.
"What?" I say, a kind of lifting feeling in my chest, "You've seen him? Are you sure you saw a man with two right hands?"
The man nods.
"Where?" I ask, and turn as he points to the empty street behind me. I furrow my eyebrows. "Huh?" I mutter, and look back at the man.
He looks just as confused as me. "I don't understand," he says, "He was right there,"
"What?" I ask.
"There," he says, still pointing, "he was with that man in the street,"
I turn again, a feeling like an ice cold hand gripping my heart as I watch the man dressed as a Cowboy steps forward. 'It can't be...' I think, stepping forward.
"'The gun is mightier than the sword'," the man says, "Not bad, if I do say so myself,"
"Who the hell are you?" I ask, gritting my teeth, though trying to act casual.
"Hol Horse," the man says, tipping his hat, "That's what they call me. I'm a Stand user, and my card is the Emperor. I've been paid good money by Dio to rub you guys out,"
I glare at him. "Hol...Horse, huh?" I ask, still trying to sound casual, but then straightening up, "So you're him,"
He looks confused. "What do you mean by that?" He asks.
I roll my neck a little, cracking it. "You're the son of a bitch who killed Magnolia's parents..." I growl.
He stares at me for a second, then scratches his chin. "Mag...nolia...?" He mutters, then smiles, "Ah...the feisty little Italian chick, right?" He then chuckles, shaking his head a little. "Tsk, tsk," he says, "what a shame..."
"A shame?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows, already hating this guy.
"Yeah, a shame," he says, then slightly tilting his head so he can look past the brim of his hat at me, "A shame Dio won't let me keep her. She'd make a wonderful wife, wouldn't you agree?" His smirk widens slightly.
I glare at him. "You'll die for your crimes," I say, trying to keep my voice even, "for Magnolia's parents, and then...I'm going to find and kill the man with two right hands,"
His eyebrows raise slightly as he looks at me properly again. "What a coincidence," he says, "I came here with that guy. He's nearby,"
I straightened up a little. "What?" I ask, looking around, "Where is he?"
"There's really no point in your asking that," he says, putting his cigarette in his mouth, "I, Hol Horse, will have the pleasure of snuffing you out,"
I turned back to him. "Morons like you always talk trash," I say, "and it always ends up the other way around,"
He crosses his arms, chuckling.
"Oh? Was that funny?" I ask.
"Lord Dio had you pegged:" he says, "'Polnareff has the fatal habit of underestimating his opponents. Beating him into a corpse won't be any trouble for you.' He was exactly right, so I couldn't help but laugh," He then laughs a little more.
I grit my teeth, glaring at him. "If I have to take you out to get to him," I say, "then that's exactly what I'll do. Bring it,"
He watches me. He raises an eyebrow. "Ever heard of military chess?" He asks, "The tank is stronger than the soldier, and tanks are weak against mines. See, it's pretty much the basics of battle. My Emperor is stronger than you, so I thought I'd be a gentleman. I'll fill you in on my Stand's abilities before we fight," he holds up a finger gun. "'The gun is mightier than the sword'," he says, "Such a brilliant quote,"
I narrowed my eyes at him. "What are you trying to say, exactly?" I ask.
"That I have a Stand that shoots," he says, "And a sword simply can't beat that,"
"So, what?" I say, a kind of teasing tone to my voice, "A pea shooter?" I then start laughing at him.
He also starts to laugh, throwing his cigarette into the air above us.
Then, almost as quickly as we start laughing, we both snap to attention.
"Prepare to die!" we both say.
"You underestimated me, Polnareff!" He says, extending his hand, a gun appearing in it, "And now, you're dead!"
I stare in shock as he fires the gun.
"He went this way, I'm sure of it!" I say, racing through the streets, Avdol hot on my tail.
"Lead the way, Magnolia!" He says.
I nod, and barrel down a street, skidding to a stop as I see a sight that almost stops my heart.
Polnareff and Hol Horse, facing off.
"No!" I shout.
"Polnareff!" Avdol shouts, already charging toward them, and tackling Polnareff.
I grit my teeth, and race after him, turning my ball cap the right way, charging my bat so it's humming with Hamon. I skid to a stop, facing Hol Horse, holding my bat ready.
He smiles a little. "Well, well...if it ain't the fiery little Italian!" He says.
"Wha...Avdol!" Polnareff yelps from behind me, "Maggie?!"
"We came here because we were worried about you, and what do we find?" Avdol says, "Your ego will be the end of you, Polnareff,"
"You...were worried about me?" He asks.
I glance over my shoulder, seeing them stand up.
Polnareff is looking at me, confused.
"The enemy already knows everything about you!" Avdol says, "Magnolia was right. You said you're a loner, but from now on, you can't win on your own!"
"What bad timing for an outsider to interfere," Hol Horse says, catching a cigarette in his mouth.
I furrow my eyebrows.
"Out of the way, Polnareff!" Avdol shouts from behind me, the bullet's coming back!"
I turn just in time to see a glint of something in the distance, and Avdol summon his stand.
"Magician's Red!" He says, surrounded by red-hot and white flames, "I'll melt it down!"
I watch, when suddenly, in the reflection of the puddle behind Avdol, a figure appears.
    It looks like a mummy, with some kind of mechanical something on half of its head. It extends its arm, a blade extending from it.
    I gasp, but it moves too quickly for me to react, grabbing Avdol and stabbing him in the back.
    Out of the reflection, the same injury appears on Avdol, who has now looked over his shoulder at the reflection.
    "The puddle..." Avdol mutters, then the bullet arrives, hitting him square in the head.
    I drop my bat, all focus on the world going dark, all I can see is Avdol's body falling to the ground. My heartbeat rings in my ears, and I try to walk toward him, but I feel like I'm trudging through syrup. I finally reach his side, and try to grab his head. I take a deep, shaking breath, looking at the injury on his head.
    The world snaps into focus as Polnareff is now kneeling with us.
"Avdol!" He says, "He's just hurt...It's just a minor wound," he looks at me, "Y-you can help him, right? With...with your Hamon? Can you heal him?"
I look at Polnareff, tears streaming down my face. I shake my head a little. "I...I..." I mutter.
He looks scared, angry, sad, everything all at the same time. "What do you mean?" He asks, "You can heal him! You've healed me, so you can heal him!"
"Not on something like this..." I whimper, "I'm not even very good at small stuff..."
He growls, balling his fists. Tears leak down his own face.
"Polnareff..." I mutter, "...I...I'm sorry..."
"You should be!" He shouts, "what good is your Hamon if it can't help us?!"
I freeze, astonished. Hurt. I grit my teeth. I stand up, adjust my hat, and extend my hand toward my bat.
Caesar appears, grabs my bat, and brings it to me.
Hol Horse looks impressed. "Kitty's got claws now!" He laughs.
"You've killed my father twice now..." I mutter, through gritted teeth, "I won't let you hurt anyone else..."
Hol Horse raises an eyebrow, then sighs. "As much as I want this rematch, honey," he says, his eyes flicking to the ground next to me, "we're in a bit of a time crunch. Rain check?"
I furrow my eyebrows, but before I can do or say anything, I feel someone's arm wrap around my shoulder and chest. I jolt, trying to turn to see who it is, but I feel something pierce my back and out through my stomach.
The wound on my chest opens with such force that the blood spurts a little.
I gasp, and fall to the ground. My vision blurs, and all I see before I fall unconscious is Kakyoin rushing up to me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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