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Freya Mavor : Bliss


I head back to my room right after, once I'm fed and my dizzy spell has passed. It last about five minutes. Not the dizzy spell, my room being interesting enough to keep me occupied. There's not very many possibilities with myself a bed and a dresser. I just can't seem to keep still.

The commotion around me is no help. I can hear everybody walking around, roaming the halls, you name it. Somehow I'm just expected to sit back and stay quiet, like an obedient child. I never was an obedient child for the record.

I eventually decide to slip out, but I only make it halfway. I notice Zayn stationed between a doorway a few doors down and can't help ducking back inside, peeking out only a little to observe. Observe - sounds a hell of a lot better than spy.

I know I should stop before I even begin, yet I still end up with my head craned, ear sticking out into the hall and gaze just able to make out Zayn's movement. I'm supposed to see him on this floor.

He's holding a plate of cookies. Cookies with coloured chocolate chips in them. I have to choke back a laugh that I absolutely cannot help. It really is a contradicting sight to see; all black head to toe, gun holster, rainbow chocolate chip cookies. He places it on the ground, letting out what appears to be a defeated sigh and then turning back to the doorway.

"Can I come in?"

Whoever lies behind that door must agree, because he steps in seconds later. I'm staring into empty hallway, left even more curious than before. That is before the door closes.

My appetite for answers is far from satisfied. I walk to that door slowly and somehow end up with an ear pressed against the wood.

"Bliss, uh, how've you been... lately?" The tone screams discomfort. It's hard to believe the voice is Zayn's.

"Fine." Her voice - yes, it's a her - is soft, quiet, and most of all dismissive.

Then silence.

"I don't see you around. Not even in the kitchen. Have you been eating?"

"Kind of."

"Okay. Well, um I can leave the cookies?"

"I'm fine."


Then silence. It's somewhere in that silent break that the amusement drops from my lips; my lips slipping into a slight frown. Even I feel the red flags. Something about it feels too personal to hear. I feel like I'm invading. Almost so much that I walk away.

Almost. "Is it boring for you down here?" Zayn's voice comes through quietly.

"Kind of, I guess."

"Well I can help find something for you to do. What would you like? I can try and arrange for-" but her voice cuts him off mid frantic breath.

"Zayn, right now I just want to stay in here alone."

Silence, and then eventually "okay." Which is my cue to bolt back down the hallway, and disappear behind my own door, like the puzzled and curious invasive little s.hit I am.


"Hey, can I come in?"

From my position laying across the floor and staring down at the ceiling in the confinement of my far from interesting room, the voice is quite a perk. So is the figure standing in the open doorway. It's Liam, and I'm quite happy to see a familiar face.

"Please do," I nod up at him, pulling myself up onto my feet as he stands at my side.


"Raven," he smiles as he says. I feel comforted in Liam's presence, remembering his considerate personality from the day of my arrival. Liam is the only one I'm not iffy about, in all honesty.

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