Chapter two

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Reluctantly my heavy eyes batted them selves open at the sound of my alarm. The bed seemed warm and safe, the exact opposite to what I had been feeling. My nightmare seemed to have stuck in my mind and in remembrance I shivered with fear. However I didn't want to admit my weakness so I heaved my self out of bed and straight to the coffee maker in hope that a dose of caffeine would delay an impending scene of fatigue. After I was awake I began the task of choosing a outfit, and so I stood at my wardrobe in my matching underwear trying to make my decision.I suppose there was perks to having the house to yourself. But what I didn't know was that I wasn't alone. Behind me my phone began to vibrate making my jump. Sharply I turned around to check the message, the unknown number...

sent now: I like the black ones better xx

Horrified I stared at the item I had in my hand, my black bra.

Someone was watching me. He was watching me. My safety began to become a pending issue in my thoughts but I resisted the fear and replaced it with anger. How dare he do this? It wasn't often ,being in the position I was in, I felt such a gaping hole of uncertainty. Confusion boiled my blood,it was like he had this power to get to me. A power thats influence seriously was starting to annoy me. I've got this under control. I swallowed my anger and pulled on my clothes, I'd decided on a blouse, heels and pencil skirt. I was going to end this now. With no hesitation I left my apartment and paced my way downstairs.

figures. It was almost like he knew what I was thinking and was waiting exactly where I left him. The moment the lift doors opened his head snapped up from his phone and he faced me, the usual annoying smirk playing on his lips.

"I see you took my advice." he teased. I cringed at how crude he was being.

"In here.Now." I demanded, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him into a near by broom closet.

"Well if you say so," he played edging closer to me.

"Shut up," I responded. He clearly seemed surprised I'd dared to refuse him.

"This has got to stop." I continue, looking him straight in the eye.

"What you don't like my messages?" He continued to tease, appearing not phased by my objections.

"obviously not, what do you want from me anyway?" I snapped back.

"You." he said.

"What?" I questioned.

"I told you what I wanted. You, and doll I always get what I want" and with that he turned to leave.

"See you soon doll." He added finally leaving completely. Once again I had been left bewildered by Harry. I came here to end it but I was mistaken, I had a feeling this wasn't over...

Irritatingly I couldn't quite erase this mornings convocation from my mind. I always get what I want the words echoed and echoed round my brain infringing my concentration as a confused me was sitting at work desperately trying to get things done. Never the less I knew I had a job to do, without Jemma here I had a lot to do with the company. It never really felt like work though because when I sat at the helm of a board meeting or whenever I came up with a new idea It felt certain, content almost. The feeling I had worked all my life to finally have. But today somehow it was different, with every stroke of mascara or every product tested I just couldn't focus.

"Everything okay Anna?" my secretary asked, noticing my unusual pensive expression.

"Of course" I replied glossing over my smile.

"I think I'm gonna leave early,why don't you take the rest of the day off." I suggested grinning sweetly and grabbing my bag. She smiled a grateful smile and we both left the office early. After the usual journey I stepped out of the car into the daylight. Loudly my phone beeped and anxiously I reached for It. Not again I thought. Luckily, I was wrong. It was Jemma. Floods of relief came upon me and I began to grin at my phone.

sent 13:14: Hey Anna the meeting went fine and all's great! hope everything's okay over there, missin' u loads-J xxx

I was so glad she was okay, things were finally looking up. She was fine and she would be home soon. For a moment my worries seemed to be silenced as my mood improved. In fact everything seemed to be back in order, back to the way it was. Glad and grateful I scanned my surroundings to try and guess how long it would be until I got home. For this time of day it was surprisingly quiet, there weren't that many people around,the only person I could see was a man dressed in dark clothes and whom was leaning against the wall of my apartment building. His hair was a chocolate brown colour and quiffed and his eyes seemed darker and darker the closer I got towards him. As my heels clicked on the pavement out side of the car he looked up and towards me. Then his eyes seemed to focus on me. For what reason I did not know, I didn't even know who he was, but the way he was looking at me suggested he wanted something with me. Closer and closer. The man began to pace towards me as I had begun to run in the other direction. It was only when he was running I saw the side of his leather jacket. The symbol. Fear and panic began to pulse through my veins as realisation set in. But there was no time left. Suddenly I felt a large pair of strong arms grab me from behind. Pain. I felt the sudden affliction pierce through my arm. Darkness. It took over until it was all I could see...

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