One call.

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Deku groaned after the moths dispersed and he sat his dessert back down on his plate before standing up "I really wanna go home" Deku said while sighing. Luka stood up and walked over to Deku and pulled him away from the group. "You're gonna tell them?" Luka asked while looking at Deku curious. "I mean they already know I don't have miraculous" Deku said as he turned back to Luka.

Deku checked his phone and saw he had service *huh?* Deku thought to himself as he immediately went to his contacts. "Hey Luka I'll be back" Deku said without waiting for Luka to reply he walked off to try and make a call. Deku sat on a nearby bench and let out a breath "I have to try" he said as he called Mr.Aizawa yes he probably should've called his mom but Aizawa was his best option of getting home quicker.

The phone rang making Deku let out a sigh of relief as he heard the click of the call being answered "Midoriya?" Aizawa asked he sounded tired but that wasn't anything new. "Mr.Aizawa! I have to hurry in case the call drops the villain he sent me to another world" Deku franticly said he didn't know how much time he had. "Don't worry we'll-" the call dropped but it'll be fine Aizawa now knows Deku is in another but which world.

Deku almost let out a sound of frustration as the call dropped but he calmed down *it's fine hopefully I'll get home soon enough* Deku thought to himself as he stood up and walked back over to his classmates. Sitting back down Deku was noticeably more worried than normal causing his classmates to be a little concerned. Luka leaned closer to Deku and whispered to him "I saw you make a call was it?-" Before Luka could finished Deku gave him a quick nod knowing what Luka was asking.

Deku stood up and faced his classmates "hey I'm going to head home I'm not feeling to well." Deku said as he began walking off but he heard footsteps behind him. "I'll go with you" Luka said as he jogged a bit to catch up with Deku his guitar on his back. Deku continued walking letting Luka follow him until his class was out of sight is when he began talking "I was able to speak to my teacher if anyone is able to get me home it's him" Deku said with confidence.

Luka smiled softly at Deku "I'm happy for you Izuku but how long do you think it'll take?" Luka asked keeping pace with Deku. "I don't know but I do know I'll eventually get home" Deku answered with a smile. Luka looked surprised as Deku's answer but smiled as well as the two continued walking towards Deku's apartment.

Time skip at Deku's apartment

Deku unlocked the door and invited Luka in as they both sat on the couch after a comfortable silence Luka said something. "So how's your school like back in your world?" Luka asked while eating some cookies Deku had given him. "Well I go to a school for heroes in training so while I learned everything school related we also practice with our quirks we do training drills and even go against each other" Deku said while handing Luka a can of soda. Luka took the can from Deku "thank you so what's your class like? Anyone interesting?" Luka asked while Deku laughed a bit.

"Well everyone is interesting but I'd have to say Kacchan is very interesting he has a bad temper but his quirk is really strong it's explosions" Deku said sounding proud. Luka nodded along "you really miss your friends don't you?" Luka asked with a soft smile like always no matter the situation Luka always seemed so calm.

"I do" Deku said also smiling his eyes glazed over as if thinking of a fond memory. "Hey izuku about hawkmoth-" Deku cut Luka off the moment he said Hawkmoths names. "I'm not worried for me I'm more worried for everyone else." Deku said that only because it seemed easy for him to take down the villains hawkmoth sends his way. Luka nodded "you're strong Izuku I'll admit stronger than us" Luka said while Deku thought that was true he knew he also new Luka may have one of the strongest powers among the heroes in this world.

"You can go back in time as many times as you want without anyone remembering as far as I know you chatnoir and ladybug have the strongest powers." Deku said being completely honest in what he thought was true. "You think so?" Luka asked in a calm voice taking a sip of his soda. "I know so" Deku smiled honestly with a small laugh.


"Hey Luka?" Deku asked while putting the empty plate away and putting the soda cans in the recycling bin. "Yeah?" Luka asked in return as he helped Deku clean up. "I-I hope that when I'm able to get home I'll see you again you've really become a close friend" Deku said with a genuine smile before turning back to doing the dishes. Luka kinda stared at Deku before he replied "yeah you've also become a close friend Izuku" Luka let out a laugh "I'm sure the news will be disappointed they didn't get that interview."

Deku laughed along "I forgot all about that actually" Deku said as he put the clean dishes away. After Deku and Luka finished cleaning they both sat back down on the couch before Deku looked at the time. "Luka it's already 8pm" Deku said while showing Luka his phone. "Oh? Well I should probably get going soon" Luka said as he stood up.

Deku walked Luka to the front door so he could lock it behind him but Luka suddenly stopped and without facing Deku he began to speak. "Izuku honestly what do you think of this world?" Luka asked curiously still not facing Deku. Deku's eyebrows raised in confusion before he shrugged and answered "it's nice here honestly but as nice as it is it's not home" Deku replied looking out the window at the starry night sky.

Luka smiled "I figured you'd say something like that but I'm glad that you trust me enough to tell me some of your secrets" Luka said finally facing Deku. "I haven't known you for long but....Izuku I wasn't lying you really are one of my closest friends." Deku couldn't help but smile at Luka's reply "I know you seemed to honest to lie well at least not lie a lot" Deku said as Luka opened the front door.

Luka stepped out and turned to face Deku again "Izuku let's hang out more often you could leave any day now." Deku paused  but nodded smiling "yeah I'd like that" he said as Luka left and he closed and looked the door.

Hello children I'm back with the milk this is you guys Christmas gift decided to get one last chapter out before the year is over.

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