Pantsing Armin

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Annie: Okay this is going to be emberassing for him

~meeting in the mess hall~

Erwin: Now commander Arlert is going to say a few words for the new expedition. *walks off the stage*

Armin: *walks on stage* Okay this new expedition are going to include two titan shifters instead of one

Annie: *walks up on stage and pants Armin*

*everyone laughs*

Armin: Annie!? *pulls pants back up*

Annie: Wow, boxers with hearts on it.

Armin: Shut it Annie! *blushes madly*

Eren: Wimp!

Annie: *glares at Eren* Shut it Jaeger

Eren: *shuts up*

Annie: It was a dare. *walks off stage*

Erwin: Uhm... I think we should continue this meeting later.

Armin: Y-yea

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