We can be together, kitten...

75 1 9

Finally it was time.

It was the time me and Pee leave this place and start a new life without minding our creator anymore.

"Pee, Pee, wake up."

My beautiful piss sits up her bed with tired eyes, and looks at me with a questioning face.

"Pee, we have to go."

Her eyes widened, and she let's out a laugh.

She wasn't taking me seriously..

"Dude, wait wait, what do you mean? You know that we can't leave, right?"

She was so calm..

Well, if she didn't come with me, then I'll make her.

"I'm sorry, my sweet Pee" ((GET IT LMFAO))

I look her in her eyes, those beautiful yellowish brown eyes, she couldn't live here, this place is too ugly to be in.

I quickly knock her out with a table leg.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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