Chapter 2: Choices and Conflicts

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The morning light filtered through the windows of Aira's apartment, casting soft shadows on the sleek furniture. Aira sat at her kitchen table, stirring her coffee absentmindedly. Her thoughts were still with Tawan—how she had saved her, how she had hesitated in that hallway last night. She couldn't shake the feeling that her life was on the verge of something new, something dangerous, but also something she couldn't face alone.

Her father had left early for a meeting, but Somchai would be over soon to discuss the security situation again. After everything, Aira was no closer to securing a personal bodyguard, and yet, she couldn't get Tawan out of her mind.

A soft knock interrupted her thoughts. She stood up, expecting Somchai, but when she opened the door, she found Tawan standing there, her expression as unreadable as ever.

"I thought I'd make my decision sooner rather than later," Tawan said, stepping inside without being invited.

Aira closed the door behind her, a mixture of nerves and curiosity swirling inside her. "I didn't expect to see you so soon."

Tawan crossed her arms, her eyes scanning the apartment like she was mentally calculating every exit, every potential risk. "Your father's offer was generous, but that's not why I'm here."

Aira frowned slightly, moving closer. "Then why are you here?"

Tawan's gaze finally settled on her. "I've thought about what you said. About trust. And about needing someone who isn't just here for the job." She paused, as if considering how much to say. "I can't make any promises about how long I'll stay, but if you want me to be your bodyguard... I'll do it."

Aira felt a wave of relief, but alongside it was something more—something she couldn't quite name. Her heart skipped slightly, and she found herself smiling, though she quickly masked it. "You don't have to do this just because of what happened last night."

"I'm not," Tawan said, her voice firm. "I'm doing it because right now, you need someone who can protect you from what's coming. Your father's enemies aren't going to stop, and this isn't just about keeping you safe—it's about making sure you're prepared for whatever else they throw your way."

Aira nodded, her heart racing faster. The words sounded so logical, so professional, but the way Tawan spoke—the way she stood there, a protective force in her life—made Aira feel something else entirely. Something she didn't fully understand. Her chest tightened, and she realized just how much she wanted Tawan by her side. She was happy, though she didn't want to admit it out loud.

"I'm glad it's you," Aira said softly, her voice almost a whisper.

Tawan raised an eyebrow, her cool expression slipping for a moment as she glanced at Aira. "What do you mean?"

Aira quickly shifted, feeling her pulse quicken. "I mean... after everything that's happened, I'm glad you're the one protecting me. I trust you. And I feel... safer when you're around."

There was a subtle tension in the air now, one that made Aira's words feel heavier than they should have. She swallowed hard, realizing how close she was standing to Tawan, and how much she didn't want her to leave.

Tawan's expression remained unreadable, though her eyes lingered on Aira for a moment longer than usual. "That's my job, Aira."

Aira let out a soft laugh, though her nerves betrayed her. "Yeah, I know. Just... I appreciate it, that's all."

Tawan nodded, her posture stiffening slightly. She looked like she was about to say something else, but before she could, Somchai called Aira, reminding her about the upcoming photo shoot she had scheduled for the day.

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