Enemies to lovers Part 7

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(on the phone)

"Yo! What's up, shawtyyyy." My friend flirted,  I groaned.

"Oh shush, Ami. Wanna go out tomorrow?" I asked

"Sure but you're picking me up. Wait, whose going?" She questioned.


"Katttt." she whined

"You're not gonna be to happy.."

"Katerina Lianna Robertson. Tell me who." she demanded

"Fine, we are going with Alexzander and Carl.." I mumbled


"So you know how was babysitting kids this afternoon? Well they just so happen to be Alexzander's siblings and his brother got stuck in a swing and I had to call heaps of people and only he picked up and we had to call the fire department and then he asked to to hang out.." I explained.

"God, Kat." the girl on the other end exhaled.

"Will you still go?" I begged

"Fine, good night Kat." Amity sighed.

(off the phone)

I placed my phone on charge.  And looked up at the roof, wondering what could possibly await for me the next day.

A/N: i'm too lazy to do more lmfao.

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