18. Home Sweet Home

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Lina was noticeably excited as she eagerly showed Dongfang Qingcang a photo of a building on her phone

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Lina was noticeably excited as she eagerly showed Dongfang Qingcang a photo of a building on her phone. "Pretty Eyes, look! I found this place and called them," she exclaimed with a playful grin, her eyes sparkling enthusiastically.

Qingcang, who came from another world and had never seen a phone before, looked at it curiously. 'This odd artifact... can locate things?' he thought, focusing solely on the otherworldly artifact called a smartphone.

Lina's words came out in a rush as she spoke, her excitement barely contained. "It is the only place that can arrange a wedding quickly. I set a date, and the fastest they can arrange is in a week."

However, Qingcang's response was different from what Lina had hoped for. "We can't wait for a week," he replied, tilting his head, his tone firm and resolute.

Lina's heart sank at Qingcang's words. She hoped he would agree to wait for a week before embarking on their mission. She stuttered, feeling hopeless. "B-but..." she began to say, but he cut her off.

"I told you that I can only protect you if you're in my sight," Qingcang continued wearily, his exhaustion obvious in his voice.

Noticing the fatigue in Qingcang's tone, Lina's concern for him grew, feeling a twinge of guilt at the weariness in his voice. She knew that he had been constantly by her side to keep her safe, and she could not bear to see him suffer any longer. 'This poor guy hasn't slept since he came into my world and even watched me sleep. I can't torture him like this; he needs to rest as soon as possible,' she thought as she turned to face him.

Qingcang looked utterly exhausted, his eyes were bloodshot, and his shoulders drooped, hinting at his burden. Lina's heart went out to him, and she wanted to do something to soothe his pain.

Lina summoned her courage and called out to Qingcang. "Moon Supreme," she said, her voice gentle and soothing.

Qingcang's tired eyes flicked up to Lina's, his expression guarded. "What?" he asked, his voice gruff with exhaustion.

Lina took a deep breath and looked at Qingcang earnestly. "Can you trust me?" she asked, her voice gentle and sweet.

Qingcang was taken aback by Lina's question. He had never been one to trust anyone but himself, yet something in her gaze made him curious. "With what?" he asked, his scowl softening a fraction as he looked at her more closely.

"I want to go home and leave this hotel," Lina explained gently, offering a kind gesture to Qingcang. She placed her hand on his shoulder, and he rotated his head; his eyes followed her hand before she continued to speak, "You need to rest. You can sleep in my bed because you haven't slept in days." He opened his mouth to protest, but she raised her hand to silence him and continued providing more information, "Please, let me help you. I want you to trust that I'll keep watch and warn you if I see any danger. I promise I'll stay in the same room and silently work on my own tasks."

The Moon Supreme, Dongfang QingcangWhere stories live. Discover now