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"That makes two of us." I half growl the words and shoot a glare at Daisy, still not looking forward to this ordeal.

Of course, Hunter chuckles like the almost-constant fucking sunshine he is and ignores me and my foul mood. "Come on, it'll be fun."

"That's what I said," Daisy says, unhelpful as ever.


Hunter turns to my sister and gives her a quick hug. "Hey, gorgeous. Are you here to bid on me?"

She puts a finger to her mouth pretending to think really hard before she laughs. "Not really, but I mean . . . it's for a good cause, right?"

Is she checking him out? I think I'm going to puke.

Hunter puffs out his chest. "It most certainly is."

I only manage to contain some of my groan.

Why did I come here tonight? This isn't my scene.

Oh, that's right. Because my sister begged me to be her plus-one so she didn't have to show up by herself. I'm such a sucker.

She'd planned this whole thing in secret because apparently, I'm being auctioned off tonight to one willing bidder. What a nightmare. I'd much rather be home watching a movie, or hanging out with my nephews.

The line in front of me has steadily moved forward, one guy after the other being shown off on stage like a piece of meat. Now that I'm actually paying attention, I'm not sure what's worse. Hunter openly flirting with my sister while I'm standing right next to them, or Cade Hartley-quarterback for the San Francisco Bears-strutting down the stage like he owns it.

Wait a second, did Cade just . . .?

Yup, he just shook his ass like he's a damn Chippendale. And of course, the crowd's eating it up, those paddles hitting the air like bras at a fucking boy-band concert.

And it's almost my turn. Well, they'll be in for a big disappointment, especially after that little show. My minute on stage won't be anything like his.

I zone out this madness while still dutifully keeping up with the line.

Deep breath in. Deep breath out.

This is for a good cause. This is for a good cause.

Yet again, the words turn into a chant in my head until someone slaps my ass.

I don't need to turn to know it's Hunter, who's already leaning closer to whisper in my ear.

"Your turn, Noah. Show 'em how it's done, tiger." He and my sister chuckle and I ignore them.

After another deep inhale that does absolutely nothing to calm my irritation, I make my way up to the stage and to the host.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Noah Winters. Our very own star swimmer and Olympic gold medalist. Insider sources tell us he's also a master in the kitchen, knows how to rev up your engine, and enjoys getting a good sweat in." He wiggles his eyebrows and the crowd eats it up, cheering and catcalling.

Master in the kitchen? Since when?

I send a silent promise of revenge to my sister that will most likely be happening in the form of obnoxiously loud and super messy toys for her boys at the next chance I get. The sooner, the better. Maybe I'll go online the second I get done here to place a big order.

The crowd calms down and the host proceeds to the actual bidding part. I lose track of the bids as I scan the crowd with my hands deep in my pockets and a scowl on my face. I'm not really looking for anything or anyone specific, but I stop when my eyes find the gorgeous mystery woman I saved from that asshole earlier.

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