Chapter 26

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Stefan Salvatore

I don't think I've ever been more happier to see Damon in my life.

He stood with a lazy smirk on his face. He easily picked the lock and I pulled Elena up.

" How did you find us? " I asked as I brushed off dust from my jeans.

" I just followed the guys who were shoving you guys in to a van " Damon shrugs.

I rolled my eyes at him.

" Let's get out of here. It smells like dog shit " Damon scrunched up his nose.

I heard Elena chuckle.

We left the warehouse, not getting caught. Damon's old pickup was parked near two black convertibles.

" I'll be back " Damon said leaving before we could answer. He had used his vampire speed it was almost impossible to see where he went.

I frowned.

" Where do you think he went? " Elena asked.

" I don't know " I said truthfully.

Elena and I sat in a comfortable silence in the truck waiting for Damon. Damon returned. His clothes were covered in blood and he had a grim expression on his face.

" Damon, please don't tell me you did what I think you did " I groaned.

" Fine then I won't tell you " Damon said as he slipped in to the drivers seat.

" Did you kill all of them? Were they hunters? " Elena asked.

" Hunters, not very experienced ones. Every bullet missed. Didn't even have revain in their blood. Quite tasty " Damon said starting up the car.

" Well they're gone now. It's okay now " I said.

The truck jolted and then we were off, driving down the narrow lane.

I fell asleep halfway through the the drive.

- - - -

I felt someone shake me. I jumped up and hit my head off the top of the car.

" Ow " I muttered as Elena giggled, kissing my head.

" Where are we? " I asked as I looked out the car.

It looked as if we were in the countryside. The road was deserted for miles except from a small cottage. The cottage was poorly painted and there was moss growing around.

" Let's go " Damon said jumping out. I opened the door and stretched my arms. My feet were planted on a cobblestone path which lead directly to the front steps.

I began following Damon, who's feet were making a light tap sound as they hit the cobblestone.

The door swung open and I already felt creeped out. There was no light except for a barely visible shadow. Damon, didn't look scared but Elena was holding my hand. I gave her a smile and followed Damon.

" Aviana Raven? " Damon asked. I looked as the shadows head moved, as if she nodded.

" Come in "

Her voice was croaky and sent a shiver down my spine. The door creaked as she opened the door wider. Damon stepped in, Elena and I in tow.

" Which one of you are the one who has Silas inside them? "

That's when I realise what's going on. She was going to get rid of Silas.

" Me "

There was candle, illuminating her face. Her face had several wrinkles but her eyes were filled with youth. Her long grey hair was carelessly falling out of her bun. Her mouth was in a thin line and her violet eyes narrowed at me.

" Very well, let's begin. First things first " she pointed a finger at me. I felt my body collapse and my eyelids shut.

Elena Gilbert

" Stefan! " I said as he slid down the wall, his eyes lids closing. I rushed to his side.

" Don't worry, he's just passed out. We only have an hour so we must hurry " said Aviana, obviously unfazed. I glared at her and began lifting Stefan. Oh, he's heavy.

" Lay him down here " Aviana pointed at the bed. I dropped Stefan on to the bed.

I looked at Damon.

" Thanks for the help " I said sarcastically.

" No problem, now go do your witchy stuff and fix my brother " Damon said averting his attention to Aviana.

" I will! I just need..something " she pursed her lips and she scanned the room.

" Ah! Here it is! " she lifted a vase from the table. There were slightly dead flowers in it. She dumped the contents on the floor, the flowers and the water falling. The water was a pale green colour.

It's probably some potion, right?

Some sort of stick fell out.

" My wand! How are you Wanda " she spoke to the wand. I looked at Damon who was getting impatient.

" Nice to meet you Wanda. Hurry up, we only have an hour till he wakes up " I urged her.

" I was going to ask her about her weekend but I guess it can wait later " she shrugged.

Wow, really?

She held Wanda up. She was standing at Stefan's feet. She started chanting words I didn't understand. I gasped as Stefan jerked to the left and right. It was if he was trying to escape something. His arms stayed planted at his sides. There was a pained expression across his face.

Aviana began chanting, louder. Her voice filled the empty cottage and I was starting to get worried about Stefan. I bit my lip and he jerked to the right once again.

Aviana stopped chanting and Stefan stopped moving.

" It is done. Looks like I do still have my strong powers " Aviana shrugged.

" What-what happened? "

Stefan was now awake and looked alert and startled.

" Silas. He's gone " I said dropping to Stefan's side, I pulled him in a hug.


Don't mind any errors as it isn't edited!

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