possessive - 2

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Poor rj.

(Y/n's pov)

When we arrived at the farm i was sitting in Maxine's lap watching wayne and i felt the same thing. again eyes on my back but i payed attention to wayne i just shrugged it off

Then we saw the old man come out. "hes ugly as shit" jackson mumbles bobby nudged him and the old man goes to aim his shotgun on wayne making maxine leans so do i, maxine reaches for the gun. then the old man drops the shotgun and they talked after a while. bobby and jackson
continue sucking each others face off "eughh not in the car motherfucker" i said making them laugh

"My bad y/n/n" bobby says resting her head on my shoulder then wayne comes back

(Time skip)

After they filmed the scene while me and maxine are in the like taking a lil swim. we were floating and spashing each other. when i felt eyes burning on the back of my head i felt someone watching us i looked around and saw maxine swimming away leaving me.

I chased her and we both got up. We were wearing the same outfit with no Undergarment we walked back to the cabin (or whatever you call it) then saw them cleaning up the mess i layed on the couch

I saw lorraine lay beside me hugging me. i hugged her back "hey" she mumbles in the crook of my neck "hey" i mumbled back she pecked my lips couple of time before someone walked in they all sat and me and lorraine sat on the single sofa (or whatever you called it) which means I'll be sitting on her lap

(Lorraine's pov)

I was feeling happy since my girl is sitting on my lap and i have this sudden confidence and put my hands sneakily make their way to her waist making her yelp all the heads snapped at us causing me to blush and sink into the sofa

The way lorraine lost all her confidence lol

jenna ortega X Fem!Reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now