Dean Winchester/reader:done fighting

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     You look over at Dean who had a death grip on the steering wheel, his eyes never leaving the road and his jaw clenched tightly. Dean was pissed at you and he had every right to be even though you had everything under control you still could have been hurt or worse killed. Dean and you had grown up together and you both were glued to the hip and you loved him with every fiber  of your being. You sigh as he enters the parking lot to the crappy motel you both had been staying at while working this case. Sam was off with bobby on another hunt leaving you and Dean to take care of a pack of werewolves a state over. 

“Dean I’m fine, I didn't get hurt and the monster is dead. I would say that's a good day in my book” You say trying to make him realize you were fine and had everything covered. Dean's head snaps towards you as you speak as he shuts off the car, his eyes burning with fury. Without saying a word dean gets out of the car and storms off to the hotel door and goes inside you following after him calling his name. When suddenly he stops and turns on you. 

“And what if you had died! Huh? What then? Fuck (Y/n) I cant lose you! I love you way too much to let that happen!” he yells his body tense and you feel your heart speed up at his words. Dean moves till he is standing right in front of you and you look up into his eyes. 

"Don't say things you don't mean dean" you say sadly knowing he didn't mean it. This was not the first time he has said this. The first time he had been shit faced drunk. You bite your lip and go to walk past him but he grabs your arm and spins you around till you're facing him again. 

"Don't you dare walk away from this (y/n) and you tell me how I feel!" He snaps and you look up at him. You feel your anger flare and you yank your arm free. 

"Why! So you can magically forget that you said it and then pretend like it didn't happen!? I can't go through that again Dean! I don't know what game you're trying to play but I'm done!" You yell tears running down your face. 

"What are you talking about!?" He snaps looking at you, his eyes going hard. 

"You have a habit of saying you love me when your drunk" you snap and he sighs as he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

"That wasn't me (Y/n). A skinwalker took my face" he groaned and you felt your heart stop and your stomach to drop.  You felt sick as you remembered that Night. 

"Then that wasn't you that kissed me?" You ask softly, feeling all your anger leave you. Dean's eyes lock on yours and he steps even closer making you look up. 

"Tell me everything" he growls leaving no room to argue. You bite your lip and think back to that Night. 

"It came to the hotel and asked if I wanted to get a drink. We went to the bar and did shots. The other you got drunk and walking back to the room it said that you loved me and then kissed me" you tell him recalling the entire thing. Dean's head was down and his eyes were closed and his body was tense. 

"It kissed you" he growls through clenched teeth you felt your heart speed up and your core to throb at his anger. You bite your lip as dean steps closer to you. 

"Yes" you whisper and he growls his face moving closer to yours. 

"We're gonna have to fix that" he growls, crashing his mouth to yours making you moan and him to groan. You kiss him back just as hard your hands tug in his hair as his hold on you tightens. Dean nips your lip and you moan as your tongues battle.

 Dean's hand tangles in your hair and his other hand on your hip tightens as you push your chest into his wanting to be closer to him and you whine at the loss of his lips when he pulls back making you poute a bit. 

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