Part 3

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Komi: Um, Noya? Why is your captain here?

Noya: Then why is Hinata not here?

Komi:... I swear, if Bokuto did that again


Komori: Akagi... give us back our ace

Akagi: Then, Komori, give us back our setter!

Komri: wait... you don't have them?

Akagi: No, I saw Sakusa take Atsumu and then disappear...


Akagi: Oh shoot, that is a possibility.

Komri: ok, uh... they couldn't have gone that far... unless Atsumu knows how to drive.

Akagi: not that I know of, I could ask Osamu to confirm that though.

Noya: Did you try searching the area?

Akagi: well...

Komori: You see...

Noya: ???

Akagi: We kind of got locked in...

Noya: How in the world?

Komori: *Send a photo of him and Akagi throwing up peace signs, both sitting on the floor while the rest of the two teams are either sitting around or running at the gym door*

Noya: Coming over

Noya: *Send a photo of multiple chains and locks around the door handles*

Noya: Well... that's a problem

Komori: Wait, the teams just found out that a window is unlocked, sending Akagi

Noya: Good, he better bring something to either break or pick the lock

Noya: *Send a video of Akagi kneeling near the locks, pulling out a lock picking set and swiftly picking all of the locks in under 15 seconds, leaving two unpicked, once he was done picking the other ones he grabbed the final two and hit them together, seeing the locks open*

Noya: What the fuck?!

Akagi: And that's why I never told the team I can do that, for these types of situations.

Komori: Still where's my cousin and Atsumu?

Yaku: Have you ever thought that they might be dating and having a secret date right now across from Nekoma and are busy having a fun 2 vs 2 on the court? And are currently crushing some college kids?

Noya: That's oddly specific

Komori: EH???

Akagi: that does make sense now


Yamagata: *Send a photo of Semi and himself, both off court and during a match, holding up a peace sign as Shirabu was in the middle of a serve in the background*

Yamagata: I honestly don't know anymore

Akagi: Hah, you think?

Akagi: *Send a photo of Atsumu doing a serve but the ball was in mid motion and was zooming towards his brother's head*

Akagi: Kita is probably going to yell at him later, for most likely laughing at his brother... and for fighting on court during an official match

Komori: *Send a photo of Inarizaki, seeing a very clear certain white jersey, number 15 in bold black, holding a phone outstretched in front of himself, wearing a big grin as it was clear that he was taking a photo*

Komori: As much as I love you, please put your phone away your in an official match, you don't want Kita-san on you


450 words

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