Chapter 4

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"Look, I'm sorry. I was really busy and I couldn't make it. But jeez we have time to complete it. " Percy apologized. I rolled my eyes.

"And what was so important that you couldn't come to tell me that you couldn't make it? " I asked. He shrugged.

"I was on a date with Calypso and she doesn't like to wait. " He answered. I bit my lip to keep me from screaming in frustration.

"And you couldn't at least called? Percy, you made me wait 25 minutes for you. You wasted up my time and I really don't appreciate you doing that. So next time at least call me. " I said and walked off. I was really upset and to top it all off, my dad and I aren't on speaking terms. My dad and I are really close so he's like my best friend. It really hurt me when I tried to talk to him but he ignored me.

I walked over to social studies with my head down low. I guess that was a bad choice because I ended up bumping into someone. When I looked up I was faced with a guy. He had blond hair and blue eyes. That was a good combination.

He smiled at me and I ended up smiling back.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there. " He apologized. I went red. I couldn't help it. His face looked so sincere and delicate.

"Oh, don't apologize it was my fault. I should have kept my head up. " I said. He chuckled and smiled.

"The name is Luke. What's yours ?" He asked. I tucked a hair behind my ear.

"Annabeth, and I should be going to class. Excuse me. " I said. I walked pass him and went off to social studies. I sat in the middle row today next to Piper and Beckondorf.

"Good Morning class, why don't we start working on-. " Ms. Thomas started, but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Wonder who that is. " Percy said who was behind me. The door opened and out stepped the guy from earlier. Luke, I think.

"Hi I'm Like and I'm new here so... " Like said. He looked at the teacher flashing a smile.

"Yes, yes of course I was expecting you. Why don't you sit right next to Percy. Percy raise your hand please. " Miss. Thomas said. Percy lifted up his hand and Luke walked over to him. "Anyways as I was saying why don't we start on the posters we were working on yesterday. Oh and Annabeth, can you get Luke started on the project? " I nodded and my seat over to face Luke.

"Hey you again. " Like said.

"Yeah, me again. " I gave in a nervous laugh. Percy looked at us wearily, then began to talk with that Calypso girl. He was always talking to her lately. They seem to being getting close.

"OK so what are we going to do?" Luke asked.

"We are currently working on a poster about the 5 themes of geography. We have to have 2 facts for each one and a picture for each one. " I explained.

"Where can we get the facts? " He asked.

"The text book under your desk. Pages 15 through 34." I answered.

"Thanks Annabeth." He said. I nodded my head and turned back to my work. All of social studies was me helping Luke and getting to know him. Luke is a sweet guy. He's funny and very charming. He even asked to sit with my friends and I at lunch today.

I walked down to the Art room sitting in the front. Hazel came in and sat next to me.

"Hey. " She greeted.

"Hi. " I replied.

"So... I was wondering if Frank had said anything to you about me. " She said. I smiled a little bit, remembering the conversation with Frank and Nico.

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