Chapter 5

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Percy's Point of view

The next day at school, I spotted Annabeth by herself sitting alone eating her lunch by a tree. I ran my hand through my hair and made my way over there. Once she saw me she blushed and adjusted herself.

"Hey Annabeth, can I talk to you? " I asked. She put her food down and patted a seat next to her.

"Talk. " She said. I went over and sat next to her. Annabeth was very pretty, but I had Calypso, so I need to focus on her.

"Well, I just wanted to know what happened yesterday. Are you OK, I mean I never have seen you so angry before. " I said. She quiet for a moment then began to speak.

"Percy's, I don't think I'm suppose to say anything yet. I just can't trust you guys yet. " She said. I looked down.

"Annabeth, before I go I just want to say I'm sorry for not being there to work on the project. Oh and the gang wants you back in. Thalia wants to apologize to you, but she couldn't find you. " I told her.

"Well, can you tell her I'm sorry too. I just didn't know what has gotten into me." She said while looking away. I was pretty sure I saw some tears in her eyes. "Sorry you had to see me like this." She sniffed. I moved closer to her and brushed a hair out of her face. My face was about three inches away from her. We were close enough to kiss. We moved in and our lips touch but she moved back.

"Sorry, that wasn't suppose to happen. " I said. She nodded.

"Yeah me too." She said. Then the bell rang. It was time for math. "I got to go. See you later Percy. "

"You do know that we are both in the same math class, right? " I asked. She blushed and tucked a hair behind her ear when she gets flustered.

"Right, I suppose we can walk together." She said. We walked to math in silence. it was one of those awkward moment and no one knows what to say or do. Once we got there were were already a minute late, so the class was looking at us.

"Can I see your passes?" Ms. Lee asked.

"No. " I answered. I looked at Annabeth and her eyes widened.

"And why not? "She asked. I shrugged, I was surely to get in trouble now.

"Both of you, detention for being late . " Ms. Lee announced. Annabeth groaned and then glared at me. I shrugged and went to take a seat in the back, Annabeth following behind me.

In about 5 minutes into the lesson I was already passing notes to Annabeth.

This lesson is boring. How can you stand taking notes? I passed on the note to Annabeth. She answered back immediately.

I like math. It's quite interesting once you actually learn and understand. She passed the note making sure that the teacher doesn't see.

I rolled my eyes. When math was finished I raced up to the door way and waited for Annabeth. She walked to me and smiled.

"Um, so do we talk about what just happened at lunch or...? " Annabeth asked. I shrugged. "Is that all you do?"

"What do you mean? " I asked. She rolled her eyes.

"Shrug your shoulders. You always do that. Make a decision for once. " She said.

"Well I don't know what to say honestly. " I told her.
"Whatever. " She said and walked off. I watched her leave then made my way to English. Thalia , Hazel , and Calypso were already there and so was Annabeth. I walked to Thalia Hazel and Calypso.

"Did you talk to her?" Calypso asked. I nodded. "What did she say?"

"Just that she wasn't ready to tell us about her past until she fully trusted us. And that she wants to apologize to you Thalia. " I said. Thalia looked surprise at first then regain her look.

"Annabeth!" Thalia called out. Annabeth looked up at us and made her way over here. I could tell that she was nervous by the look of her face. Annabeth sat down next to me.

"Yeah? " Annabeth asked. I could tell that she was shaking by looking at her hands.

"Look, I accept your apology and I want to say sorry myself for how I acted. Do you forgive me? " Thalia asked. Annabeth nodded slowly and then was about to make her way back to her seat when Thalia called her name again. "Sit with us, Annabeth. "

"Ok. " Annabeth said, sitting by me again. Calypso looked at Annabeth for a long time then looked away when she was caught by me. I raised my eyebrow but she shrugged it off. What was that about?

After A minute of chit chat someone came up to us. It was Luke.

"Oh Hey Luke." Annabeth blushed. I looked at her then at Luke. There must be some chemistry between them. I don't know why, but I wasn't Ok with it. My stomach was swirling around with a mix of anger.

"So, Annabeth, I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me today?" Luke asked. Annabeth went even a deeper shade of red.

"No! She doesn't want to go with you. " I blurted out. I could tell my face was pretty red with embarrassment. Calypso looked at me then at Annabeth with fury.

"And why not? " Annabeth asked me. I scratched the back of my head wondering what to say.

"Because, why would you want to go on a date with someone you just met yesterday? " I replied.

"Listen Percy, the whole point of dating is to get to know each other better. Annabeth is an interesting person why not go on a date with her? " Luke told me.

"Sure Luke, I would love to go on a date with you. " Annabeth told him. I don't like them being together. Even though I have a girlfriend, I felt a pang of jealousy. I'm so confused with my feelings right now and I don't know what to do about it.

I glared at Luke the rest of the time. I know he didn't actually do anything wrong, but he just had to ask Annabeth out. He didn't know I had a little crush on her. I know it's wrong to Calypso, she is going to understand. And there's plenty of fish in the sea. After

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