Chapter four

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Matthews household-

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Matthews household-

"Seriously Isla, you have got to stop taking my clothes. I was looking for that jumper for three weeks. I thought I was going mad." Eric grumbled as he walked down the stairs, with a smiling Isla behind him.
"I'm sorry. But it's your own fault, your clothes are just too good. They're oversized and they smell like you, so I'm going to knick as many as I can. You still love me so it's okay."
All Eric could do was smile. Obviously he wasn't really angry that she took his clothes, he actually liked it, the thought of her taking his clothes because they smelt like him, made him happy. The thought that his clothes were a comfort to her made him happy.
"Alright, you can take all the clothes you want, just tell me when you do so I don't spend weeks looking for them, and making myself crazy when I can't find them."
"Okay deal. So umm, whilst we're on the subject, I took your jumper with the grey and green stripes and your grey Nike one."
Isla quickly stood on her tiptoes and gave Eric a kiss on the cheek. "Love you" She says with a big smile, which made her dimples pop, and Eric swoon. He loved her dimples. He loved everything about her. She was perfect to him.



Eric and Isla had been playing pool for the past 30 minutes, in which Eric was absolutely destroying Isla. She had never been good at playing pool but she loved playing against Eric. When she would miss her shot he would always hype her up, saying things like,
'That was the sticks fault, it was such a great shot.'
'That was so amazing, you should play professionally.'
'Honestly I don't even know how I'm winning, it must just be my lucky day, because your so much better than me.'
He would always give her a kiss on either the cheek or the forehead after every shot.

Eric stood behind Isla trying to help her line up and shoot her next shot.
"Okay here we go. Now just pull back and push forward."
Isla took the shot, they both stood back slightly, still with her againt his chest and watched a one lone ball went into the top left pocket.
Isla turned to Eric with a massive smile on her face, she threw her arms around his neck and squealed. Eric let out a loud laugh at her reaction and wrapped his arms around her waist and squeezed her tight.
"You know you have to help me every time we play now. It is now an unspoken rule."
"I'll help you anytime you want. Maybe you'll end up beating me in the future."
"Maybe I will. Now let's go get some food, I'm starving."
"Okay, let's get some food then go back to mine to watch a movie or something."
"Perfect, can we watch Princess Bride. Pretty please."
"Anything for you Isla."
"Yeah whatever, you love it just as much as I do, don't pretend you don't."
Eric laughed and lunged towards Isla, picking her up around the waist.
Isla laughed loudly, reaching back to wrap her arms around his neck, so she doesn't fall forward.
"Isla be quiet. Don't let anyone hear you. It's suppose to be our secret."
"Sorry, sorry." She said "I know your favourite movie it the Godfather." Isla says the last part loudly. Some people turned to look at them but most just ignored them.

That night, with a massive bowl of popcorn sat in front of them, Eric and Isla sat cuddled up on the sofa with Princess Bride playing on the TV. Whilst Isla drew random patterns on Eric's stomach and Eric playing gently with Islas hair.

20 minutes into the movie, Morgan decided to join them. She sat on the other side of Eric and he wrapped his other arm around her and bought her closer to him. Morgan reached across Eric and held Islas' hand.
About 30 minutes later all three of them where asleep. Amy and Alan walked into the living room and saw the three of them asleep. They gently pryed Morgan off of Eric and untangled hers and Islas hands and Alan carried her up to bed.
Amy smiled at the two on the sofa, whilst covering them up with a blanket. She gave them both a kiss on the cheek and headed up to bed.
The two on the sofa, cuddled closer together and had a very peaceful night sleep.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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