Chapter 6

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(It's now the next morning, in the car on the way to Aizawa's house)


Aizawa's POV:

"Hey kid, I was wondering..." I glanced up to look at her in the rearview mirror. Curled up in a ball with her tail wrapped around her body and her ears slightly twitching, she was asleep. I sighed, looking back at the road.

'it's good she's able to sleep, after what happened'

I'll just ask her about it later. She deserves to rest a little before I bother her with my curiosity. I need to remember she's a kid, and she's probably traumatized after watching her mother die like that.

I pulled into my driveway, parked the car, and looked back in the mirror to see her still fast asleep. Getting out of the car and opening her door, I picked her up and carried her inside the house. I put her down on the couch and covered her with a blanket.

After making a cup of coffee, I sat on the other end of the couch. I had already contacted Nezu yesterday to let him know I won't be at work for the next week. He said it was fine, and Cementos could cover for me, but he requests an explanation the day I come back to work.

Sipping on my coffee, I noticed the girl move to sit up. She looked at me and tilted her head slightly to the side in a questioning motion.

"I carried you in from the car. You were sleeping too peacefully and I didn't want to wake you." after saying that she whispered out, "oh", as she brought her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms and tail around them.

We sat in an awkward silence for a few minutes before I decided to break it. "I don't have any clothes that would fit you, so I was thinking about going out and stopping by your house so you can gather some of your stuff." She slowly lifted her head to look at me and gave me a slight nod.

(y/n)'s POV: (now in the car)

"...kid?" I faintly heard Aizawa say. I realized I was zoned out. I took a deep breath before looking at him. "I was asking you if this was the right house." he said pointing at the building in front of us. I nodded and prepared myself for the emotions that were about to flood my senses when I walk through that front door.

Grabbing the spare key mom kept in the flowerpot next to the door, I shakily tried to unlock the door, I was failing miserably. Aizawa gently cupped my hand with his, grabbing the key from my sweaty hand, he unlocked the door for me. I stepped into the house and was met with the large picture hanging by the door of mom and dad holding me when I was only a few months old. Seeing my moms wide smile as she stared down at me, I immediately broke down and fell to my knees. Aizawa placed a hand on my back and crouched down beside me. I quickly turned and wrapped my arms around his torso, sobbing into his chest.


After gathering as much of my stuff as we could fit in the car, I went in my room one last time to grab the last thing I needed, a picture frame that was sitting on my nightstand containing a picture of me and mom at the park. It was taken just days before...yah know... I let out a shaky breath, "We were just starting to have that mother-daughter bond we always wanted..."

*knock knock*

"Kid, you ready?"


We returned to Aizawa's house, and were unpacking the car when he paused, "Listen, kid...I'm sorry about what happened. I know it doesn't fix anything or make the situation any easier...but, if there's anything I can do for you, just let me know, okay?" I didn't know what to say, I just stood there staring at the ground. He continued to take my things in the house, but I couldn't move. I could feel my body start to tremble, my emotions begging to overflow, and my face scrunch up as I tried to keep my composure. I heard his footsteps approaching me, I began to overflow, and my feet started to moved on their own...

Aizawa's POV:

Walking back outside to grab the last bag, I noticed the girl was still standing in the same spot, staring at the ground. As I walked up to her, she turned to me. Tears were filling her (e/c) eyes, her cheeks hot and dusted pink from sadness, and her brows were furrowed in anger. Before I could do or say anything, she was screaming and punching my chest.

"Bring her back!... Sorry... doesn't bring her... back!" she was gasping for air in between words. She was too overwhelmed to breathe correctly. I stood there and took the blows. She needs to let this out, she will feel better if she does.

"Stupid...goddamned...heroes! I hate them! Fuck them! Fuck you! You should've just...let me...die!" she gasped for air, "And fuck...Endeavor!" she said as she threw her last punch. She sucked in a sharp breath, and grabbed her chest, signaling she couldn't breathe. I looked in her eyes and saw just how scared and hurt she was in this moment. She looked at me desperate for air...desperate for relief. I wrapped my arms around her and held her in a tight hug while we got closer to the ground, now sitting on our knees. I felt her body start to relax, and she went quiet. I loosened my grip on her and pulled her away from my chest to meet her eyes. She looked so...empty.

I brought my hands up to wipe her tears away, and cup her face. "I want to help you, (y/n). You don't deserve to carry this kind of pain at such a young age. I will do everything I can to make sure you find peace, even if I have to go to the ends of the earth to find it. You don't have to do this alone, so we can do it together, okay?"

She sniffled, "p-promise?"

"...I promise."


(a/n) here!

Dadzawa is my favorite thing ever! I think he would be a great dad once he drops his strict, tough guy act, lol.

anywayyy...enjoy some more dadzawa content...


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