naps on the couch - 🫀⭐️ s/r

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prompt: hon', if you take any more naps on the couch you're going to mess up your back.

warnings: mentions of nightmares


You set your keys down against the marble counter top, hoping the jangle doesn't wake your sleeping boyfriend, it's not even seven pm but he's drooling across a pillow and curled into a ball. You sigh at the fact of Street being on the sofa instead of in your shared bed, he never sleeps on the couch unless he's afraid of keeping you awake.

"Street? Honey, you gotta get up and come to bed." You brush your hand softly through his thick hair, smiling at the scrunch of Streets nose before he's blinking awake.

"S'fine, you go to bed." He slurs, making your heart crack open a bit.

"Hon', if you take anymore naps on the couch you're going to mess up your back." You breathe a sigh when Street huffs something indecipherable.

"Street I don't care if you keep me up all night, you can't keep sleeping on this couch." Street finally opens his eyes fully to look at you. He looks like he wants to argue, say you need the sleep more even if his job is more demanding, that keeping you awake will only do you harm and he'd never want to cause you problems, but, he doesn't and just silently reaches for you.

"You sure you don't mind?" You smile against Streets neck once you're bent down to let his arms wrap around your back and his face tuck into you.

"Not even a little bit, now come to bed, a real bed." You press a quick kiss to Streets cheek before pulling away and extending a hand for him to take.

"A real bed sounds nice."

Jim Street / Reader oneshots Where stories live. Discover now