Chapter 3: A Night to Remember

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Chapter 3: A Night to Remember

We ran down the street, laser fire flying past us. Screams could be heard in the air, either from the terrified onlookers or from the wounded crying out in pain. I was out of breath, but a voice in my head kept encouraging me to keep my legs pumping.

     I could hear Shen's labored breathing behind me and was tempted to stop and tend his broken arm, maybe wrap his arm tightly with my shirt or something, but there was no time for that. If we stop, those grey soldiers would get us.

     Damn those bastards. I gritted my teeth and kept on running.

     I turned down a side street, hoping to escape the massacre, only to witness an execution. A man was kneeling on the ground, tears glistening on his old and wrinkled face. He seemed to be begging for his life, but the soldier standing before him didn't seem to care. In a swift motion, it took aim and pulled the trigger, staining the ground with the man's blood and brains. There were others lying on the ground, and by the looks of it, they were all killed in the same manner. My stomach churned when I realized that there were young faces among the dead.

     Bile rose up into my mouth and I had to fight to keep my dinner down. How could he do that! They were unarmed children, defenseless old men! How could they do that?

     Before the grey executioner notice our presence, Shen pulled me aside and hide behind a tool shed in someone's garden.

     “They're everywhere Jason, where should we go?” Fear was clear in his voice. His eyes were wide.

     “I... I don't know Shen... ” The terrified expression of the old man was forever burnt into my mind. I closed my eyes and tried to block out the horrendous corpse. Hold yourself together Jason, you can't panic now.

     “Who are these grey soldiers? What do they want? Why did they attack us?” I said, and was amazed at how calm I sounded. I searched Shen's face, attempting to find an answer.

     He was shaking slightly, most probably from fear and pain. His face was pale. Seeing him transformed from a person full of humor into the one beside me hurt. I placed my hand on his shoulder and tried to comfort him, to reassure him that we will make it through. That everything will be alright. But sitting there behind the tool shed, surrounded by all the chaos, even I myself didn't believe it.

     A thought flashed through my head. Am I going to die today? Is this the end? I was still young, still deciding what occupation to choose. I had a long life ahead of me, and right now it felt like these grey attackers are going to take that all from me.

     I noticed a shadow getting closer and closer from the road to where we both sat behind the tool shed. Shit! How did he know we were here? We have to move.

     I stood up, pulling Shen up. Looking him in the eye, I held my voice steady and said: “Hold yourself together, we'll get through this okay? Trust me.” He took a deep breath and nodded slowly.

     I turned around, intending to sprint into to the opposite house to hide and wait for the soldier to move away. Its not much but its better than sitting here and wait for them to slaughter us.

     I rounded the corner and froze, my breath caught in my throat. Shen bumped into me and gave a small cry when he jarred his injured arm.

     “What is it Jason? Don't just... ” Whatever it was that he wanted to say died in his throat when he saw the black barrel aimed at my face. The grey figure's black visor glinted in the fire light as he looked at Shen, then back at me. He seemed to be considering what to do with us, and a moment later I heard a 'click' coming from the rifle in his hands.

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