Chapter 9

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Cut to Elena and Caroline in the car

Caroline is on the phone with Klaus. They say I love you and hang up. Elena begins to tease her when suddenly her own phone rings

Caroline: Hmm I wonder who that could be

Elena smiles at her and then looks at the caller ID

Elena: It's Matt

Caroline: Oh put it on speaker

Elena: Hey Matt, you're on speaker, I'm in the car with Caroline

Matt: Hey I just talked to Jeremy, what the hell is going on?

Elena: Silas has been pretending to be Stefan all summer

Matt: How did no one notice?

Caroline: Because he was honestly rarely around, but I thought that was just because of Damon and Elena being together

Elena is upset and quiet for a moment

Elena: Anyways, we're on our way to meet Sherriff Forbs at the quarry

Matt: Ok, well let me know what happens and be careful

Elena: K, bye

She hangs up. Silence falls in the car for a minute.

Elena: I knew you weren't going to just let me get back together with Damon without any more drama. I told you Stefan and I left things in a good place

Caroline: You spent all summer having sex with his brother while his been dying over and over again at the bottom of an ocean. I'm pretty sure that isn't leaving things at a good place.

Elena is stunned

Elena: Wow ok. And I can't wait until he finds out you've been screwing the guy that made him become a ripper again and nearly killed him. That's really going to make him happy.

Caroline quickly pulls the car over

Caroline: You are seriously going to sit here and judge me about my boyfriend when yours has slept and nearly killed all of Mystic Falls AND is your ex-boyfriends brother!

Elena: You think I don't feel like crap for what I did to Stefan?

Caroline: Well if that's true then you sure have a funny way of showing it

Elena: I am ALWAYS going to love Stefan. He was my first love. But now I love Damon and it would mean the world to me if one of my best friends finally accepted that!

Caroline: How can I ever be ok with one of my best friends sleeping with a serial killer?

Elena: Because I have for both you and me. Klaus wanted to kill since he found out there was another doppelganger in Mystical Falls

Caroline: Oh please. You know he isn't like that anymore.

Elena: So if Klaus of all people can change, then why do you think Damon can't?

Caroline: Because Damon is Damon

Elena: That makes no sense!

Caroline turns back into her seat and starts the car again

Caroline: Whatever, I am tired of fighting. Let's just go get Stefan

Elena: Fine by me

They drive off

Silas and Damon enter the hospital blood bank and begin filling their packs up

Silas: So, how are you and Elena? I heard you had a fight a couple of days ago

Damon was about to question him when he remembered it wasn't really Stefan asking him

Damon: Yeah no we're great. I love fighting with her because that means hot make up sex. And I mean when we aren't fighting, we're delighting if you know what I mean?

He nudges Silas

Silas: Nice! I mean, cool I guess... you know since we used to

He stutters

Damon: Right

He throws the pack over his shoulder

Damon: But I mean I hope this isn't a problem for you. I mean come on, breaking up with someone like Elena. Must be hard

Silas clears his throat

Silas: Yeah but I mean whatever right?

He then throws the pack over his shoulder as well and they leave with Damon having a big smirk on his face

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