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"Why do you need to see him? Like I said, this is a cut and dry kind of case." The guard had his arms folded, trying to look intimidating. It was obvious that I wasn't getting to him.

"There has been new intel that surfaced last night, we need to fact check with the accused." Astor stepped in front of me, towering over the guard.

He started to shift uncomfortably. "Why was I not made aware of this?"

"With a case this sensitive, we have only been advised to tell the highest active member of the military present." Dakel added to the lie.

Last night we all stayed up to figure out how to handle what happened next. We were severely outnumbered when it came to just how many people were stationed on Kås. We needed to be convincing enough to get any more information we could before leaving tonight back to Solaris.

The guard gave a look of suspicion. "Let me just go ask Chief Ryk if all of this is okay."

I cut in. "There's no reason to bother the Chief. Like you said, there's nothing more to the case. Really this is all just formality. You know, we have to ask certain questions for our report. Otherwise we'll just get sent back here. And I know how much you want us out of your hair." I finished, hoping that my statement sealed the deal.

"Well, just ask the questions and get out, I don't want you holding up the operations around here." He stepped aside like he was above us, allowing us to pass by him.

If only he knew what we really did.

We all gave our thanks as we quickly walked by, making sure to be far enough away fro the guard before he changed his mind.

Dakel looked at me. "That was smooth, Elara." I grinned back at him.

"Yeah, too smooth," Astor started to get closer. "I wonder what else you're hiding." He showed his true emotion by allowing a smile to grace his face.

My stomach did a somersault, unsure of if that was good or bad. I didn't have time for that.

I had managed to push aside my emotions when it came to Astor when it came to missions, but it seemed like he was determined to not be subtle. I cleared my throat.

"Let's move, I want to be out of here before the chief catches wind that we're here."

When we made it to the holding cells, there was only one person in it. In the far corner was a man hunched over on the makeshift cot. His fetal position hid both his face and hands.

As we got closer, I tried to make my footsteps louder so as to not surprise him, but even as I got to the bars, he still hadn't moved.

"Hello, are you here because of the Sharaian that was found yesterday." I tried to keep my voice even and polite.

Suddenly, the man jumped up and lunged for the bars. I instinctually stepped away in case he tried to grab me. Nyla let out a yelp as she jumped back. The rest followed as they distanced themselves from the bars.

"What do you know about that?" The man asked. His voice stretched from a lack of water. He sounded tired, and not just from being locked in a cell.

I flashed my badge and clipped it back to my belt. "I'm Agent Elara with the Royal Guard. We came from Solaris to help with the case. Can you tell us what happened?" I looked at the man.

He began to hunch over like a cowering dog, and went back to his cot, sitting down on the edge. "You wouldn't believe me." He whispered, just loud enough for us to hear.

I tried to give him a reassuring smile. "I've heard of some pretty crazy things. Try me."

He paused for an unnatural beat before speaking. "I wasn't anywhere near the ship, I swear. I was at the boat of a fishmonger that had come from Ísi and all of the sudden, out of nowhere, I was arrested with reports of murder." He exaggerated the last word before looking at us.

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