Maths Class.....zZZ

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Victoria's p.o.v

"Get your ass out of the bathroom"

Nice. My life, is amazing. Its the first day of senior year, finally its not like I have anything to look forward too though its always the same. Bitchy girls. Stupid 'men' boys in fact. I don't even know what to wear UGHHH HELP ME. Once I FINALLY picked what to wear 'shorts and a nirvana band tee with some plain white converse' I got on the bus to go to school. And then I remembered I had maths... Schools boring in general but when you have maths with Mr.Horton life couldn't get any worse trust me. Shit. I went to far up the route on the bus. My thoughts and my music must have distracted me I hopped off the bus not knowing where to go I walked in opposite direction off the bus hoping I would find where I am...
I sat down in maths.
"Why are u so late young ma'dam"
I felt myself heating up just as I heard sniggers from the back of the classroom. Oh God thats why I hate maths.
Everyone was laughing their heads off by the time my lecture was finished. Everyone but a purple haired boy. When everyone put their books away I went up to this purple haired boy. One look at him took my breath away as I felt fluttering in my stomach as bottled up whatever just happened I walked up to him with a smile.
"Hi ummm why didn't u laugh at me"
"Well its quite rude don't cha think" he messed with his hair , which made my legs feel numb.
"Okay well thanks anyway cya around"
"Wait... Wanna walk with me"

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