Prologue - Kon El

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'Anyone can be a hero, it doesn't matter who or what you are, anyone can. But what's a world that doesn't need one? Where everyone can defend themselves?'

'People used to look up into the sky and see him. Red that rocketed through the sky. The blue that could be seen even in the darkest of places. And the hope radiating off of him.'

'Superman, what a guy am I right? I mean I should know

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'Superman, what a guy am I right? I mean I should know. I'm his clone after all.'

The sound of a recorder started up as we see a somewhat staticky screen turn on that showed the inside of a old home but more specifically a kid moving a toy car around.

Clark: Hey buddy what kinda car is that?

Y/n: A red one.

Clark: Do you want to show me?

Y/n: Yeah.

He then presented the red race car to the older man who simply grabbed and presented the car to the camera before handing it back to the youngster.

Clark: Do you like red cars?

Y/n: Yup!

Clark: Why's that?

Y/n: Cause red is awesome! Look!

He then stood up and went over towards a bin that had multiple red themed toys in it that he showed to Clark who let out a chuckle before the feed of the camera changed and showed a slightly older Y/n now wearing a backpack.

Clark: First day of school bud are you excited?

Y/n: Yup! I'm gonna be super smart!

Clark: Oh I know Y/n, oh don't forget your lunch.

A brown bag was then handed to the small boy
before Clark ruffled his hair making Y/n giggle.

That footage soon blurred out as we see him now sitting down at a table with a birthday cake while being surrounded by multiple other kids and adults who sang to the young man.

Everyone: Happy birthday Y/n!!

Clark: Make sure to blow out the candles!

Y/n nodded before doing so only to make the entire go flying off into the camera.

Y/n: Sorry!

Yang: Here's your birthday present!


It then cut to Y/n now wearing a black and red tuxedo as he pulled on the collar due to how uncomfortable it made him.

Y/n: Why can't I put on a flannel?

Clark: It's a dance Y/n you have to dress nice, besides Yang would probably like you in that suit.

Y/n: Ewwww we're only friends.

The doorbell then rang making Y/n jump and Clark simply chuckle before placing a hand on his shoulder.

Clark: Remember have fun but don't be home later than 10:30 alright?

Y/n: Yes sir.

Clark: And remember don't use your powers. Understood?

Y/n: I won't use them. *He mumbled out while looking down*

Clark: This is for your own good okay? We'll get some practice in this weekend.

Y/n: You promise?

Clark: Pinky swear.

The doorbell rang again making the two look over as Clark patted the young boys shoulder.

Clark: Don't keep her waiting.

Y/n: I won't later dad!

He quickly went to the door and opened it before quickly closing it making the camera cut off completely.

'But who said I couldn't be a bit original?'


A/n: Just a short lil prologue for y'all next chapter should be longer and don't forget to support my boy Sage!

575 Words

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2023 ⏰

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