well john b, this is going to be a long couple of days!

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jj and john b have always been attached at the hip, for as long as the two can remember. they shared everything. when they were younger, they shared a backpack and clothes since luke could bother to buy jj anything, and would blow all the money on drugs anyway. as they got older, the sharing continued, but this time it was bigger things, like a home, a bed, and even a dad. big john would look after jj as best as he could, knowing luke he wouldn't let jj step foot in that house. but the sharing didn't stop when big john disappeared.

they still shared things all the time. hell, they even shared the chateau. they would split rent and jj would sleep in big johns bed, thats the way he would've wanted it anyway. big john adored jj, and was the only adult who didn't label him as a criminal.

some things they could go without sharing. for example, their germs. when one was sick, so was the other. all their teachers knew that by know, they all know the two boys backstories. in 3rd grade, they practically started a new disease in their school from combining john b's stomach bug and jj's head cold. its bound to happen when two little boys rolling around with dirt have to share a bed. jj decided anyway that going threw 7 boxes of tissues in a day and throwing up his whole intestinal system was better then stepping foot in his home, and especially being around his dad when he was sick.

after jjs mom died, being sick was living hell. he had the flu when he was 10 and snuck out to john b's house. he needed help and big john took care of him and bought him all the medicene he needs. until luke found out. when he did, he took him back home and made him sleep outside, and threw lawn chairs at him out of frustration.

well, here they are, the two boys, motherless, fatherless, and sitting in the chateau with the rest of the pogues. sarah and kie have moved in after sarahs freak family almost killed her and ran away to guadalope. kies family was still there, but she knew the second she stepped foot in her kook ass house, she would be sent right to boarding school. the two girls sleep on the pullout couch. pope doesnt technically live at the chateau, but he usually sleeps there on the weekends and some school days. hes the only one actually serious about school anyway, and his family actually wants him.

summer just ended. its mid october and the leaves are starting to turn, the air is getting crisp and cool, and the pogues have to go to school, like actually. jj has skipped so many times and so has john b. pope actually cares, and kie and sarah are just there for the social aspect. its monday morning.

jj and jb are sleeping in jbs bed, popes in big johns, and kie and sarah are on pull out.

john b wakes up and checks the clock; 5:18 AM

his throat hurt like hell, but it usually does in the monrings, especially fall. he stumbled out of bed and poured himself some water, careful not to wake up sarah and kie. when he returns to the room, jjs conviently placed himself in the middle of the bed.

john b starts nudging him, and whispering out his name

"jj, hey, jayj, jay, wake up"

"wha-what""dude move over ur taking up the whole bed"

jj moves and john b gets back into the warm bed and chugs the water. his throat doesnt feel any better, if anything, worse. he flips over to his side so hes facing jj, who is snoring.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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