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(April's pov-)

"TODAY IS THE DAY!" Jaz chimed. Prom was approaching and I wanted to ask a particular guy out. As the most popular girl in school, I have gotten at least 20 confessions. I've dated almost all the guys on the school's football team, but my eyes are only on one guy - Percy Jackson. I tried to ask him out many times but he used the old, lame excuse- " I have a girlfriend ". Ugh, his girlfriend sounded too good to be true, strong? blonde? grey-eyed? Yea sure. I've never even seen her in my life! At lunch, I sat next to Percy, or as I like to call him - My honeybunch (eugh).

"Hey honeyboo," I said in my seductive voice. Even Nate couldn't handle this.

Percy looked up from his food tray

"Honeyboo? " "Secondly get away from me I have a girlfriend," Percy said

"Well I don't see her"

"So 8 pm at my house? I am alone this weekend" I wink.

Percy stared at her, The bottle of water that April held tips over and drenched her.

Percy smirked at the sight of April all drenched.
------------------- TIME SKIP-----------

(Third-person pov-)

The final bell rang and the students filled out their classrooms. April reached her locker and pulled out a bunch of flowers she had kept they were a bit wilted but it will work

April reaches the parking lot with the flowers and a massive board on which Will you go out with me to prom my honeybunch baby Percy was written. 

"WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME MY PERCY!" April shouted. She was very excited to see Percy's reaction! He will fall in love!

Percy looked at her in shock.  As he was about to talk a very pretty girl from the back and hugged Percy. 

(April's pov-)

"HEY!" I shouted, that girl was ruining the moment. I was just going to get with the most handsome boy in the school!


Her grey eyes glared at me. They looked like a brewing storm

 Then that girl did the unthinkable, she grabbed Percy's chin and KISSED HIM!? 

That's it! I've had enough!  

I ~stormed~ to that girl and slapped her. 

"What the actual fuck you were thinking kissing my boyfriend?! Well soon to be but stay back!"

" What am I doing? Darling, What are you doing proposing to my boyfriend?" The other girl said very calmly.

" I know he wouldn't cheat, so you need to back off miss," The other girl said in a warning tone.

"Guess I need to introduce you two," Percy said with a smirk

"Annabeth, This is the girl about whom I told you, April"

"And April, this is my girlfriend Annabeth"

I was stunned, the girl Percy talked about is actually real!

Tears stung my eyes as I watched them walk away together holding hands

suddenly Annabeth turned to Percy and said something and then she came towards me 

"Put your hands on me again and I swear my dagger will find its way in your body" she whispered in my ear 

I stood there, in tears and disbelief.

That was the day, I met percbeth

A/N -  Finally I finished my 2nd fan fic. I promise I will now try to post regularly 

- Aether

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