Bruised knee's

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Words were being thrown around the classroom, loud chatter coming from every corner. Ilana and Max are sitting in the last two back rows, Ilana in-front of Max. They are deep into conversation when a frail and wrinkled woman enters the classroom. The immediate silence amongst the students is peaceful compared to the zoo animals they had once seemed like seconds ago.

Sister Dunn was famous at Saint Lourdes boarding school for being strict and miserable. Her face was old and sour and her lips were tightened together like rope. She made no attempt to greet the class or to even pass a glance their way. She waddles her way over to the board and starts writing the date, she was slow, her fingers were nimble and long. With her back to the class, Max takes the opportunity to pass Ilana her note she had been working on since sister Dunn entered the class.

Max leans over her desk, chucking the note at Ilana's back. The note bounces off her back and onto the floor. Ilana turns frightened by Max's lack of grace, she gives Max a what the fuck look before quickly picking the note up from next to her desk and tucking it under her long jumper sleeves.

"Please write the date and title, no questions, no toilet breaks and no talking. I have the worst headache and I will not make it worse with anybody's nonsense today, do I make myself clear!" sister Dunn says scornfully. The girls all nod, as they write in their books.
"No, not a nod, I want to hear you all acknowledge me" sister Dunn adds.

"Yes sister Dunn" the class says collectively, in a monotone. "Yes you old witch" Max mutters loud enough for a couple of girls around her to hear. Max had a deep dislike for sister Dunn, as most girls did. However, Max's dislike was personal and greater than her school mates.

Sister Dunn takes a seat at her desk. The chair is run down and over used, but her desk is impeccable. It's neat with not a scratch or a bruise. The contents of the table are all placed in specific positions, it seems that nothing has been moved or used in years. Sister Dunn has always been very well organised and particular about everything in her classroom. Even down to specific shoes she'd allow in her classroom to avoid scratching her hardwood floors. She always made a big fuss about the quality of wood being important and how unladylike like it is to not keep them maintained and polished at all times.

Max once again leans over her desk, this time yanking at a couple strands of Ilana's hair.
"Na" she whispers.
Ilana try's to ignore her, keeping her eyes upfront and waiting for sister Dunn's next command.

Max makes another attempt at gaining Ilana's attention.
"Maxine Jones, what is the fuss?" Sister Dunn calls out to Max.
"Oh, Na dropped her pencil and I was just trying to tell her" Max lies.
"Who is Na?" Sister Dunn asks, irritated.
"Ilana, my bad"
"Yes your bad, put your head down and get on with your work. I'm sure Ilana can realise she's dropped her stationary on her own"

Max leans back in her chair, a fake smile wiped across her face.


Ilana is stood leaning up against her locker, as Max stuffs her books carelessly inside of hers.
"The woman has no soul" Max says, fighting with her books to go inside her locker.

"I need another coat of lipgloss, come with me to the ladies" Ilana says, poking lightly at her top lip. Max stares at her in disbelief. Ilana stares back at her. A staring competition ensues, until Ilana breaks it with "toilets?"
Max's face drops, she wants to refuse Ilana's request in following her to the toilet, but relents.

Ilana beams with pleasure. The two walk in a comfortable silence until they reach the school bathrooms. All the stools are empty, except for one. Max points to the occupied stool, the two start to snicker like children. Max gets down on her knees to take a peak under the stool door.
"You weirdo, get up" Ilana places her hands over her mouth in attempt to silence her giggling.
Max stands to her feet, dusting her knees off.
"You are so weird" Ilana half whispers.
"God Ilana hurry up" Max says loudly, teasing her. Ilana mouths to Max to be quiet.

Ilana reaches under her sweater and into her bra, pulling out her small little clear and tinted lipgloss. She brushes her hair from out of her face and leans over the sink to get a good view of herself in the mirror. She focuses intently on her lips as she re-applies her lipgloss. Her eyes seem to sparkle as she slowly rubs the gloss across her lips, going back and forth several times.
"You think I need more liner?" Max asks as she gazes at Ilana in the mirror.
Ilana stops applying her gloss and looks at Max. She tilts her head a little and then nods no.

Max shakes her hair, she looks feral and ferocious. "Oh my god Max, you look hot" Ilana remarks. Max positions herself in front of one of the mirrors. "I look like a lion" she replies.
Max starts to growl, flicking her hair about. She's unruly with her behavior.

The occupied stool door, opens. Ilana and Max freeze, looking at one another. Out walks a short and mousy looking girl. "I knew it was you two" she says as she approaches the sink to wash her hands. "I thought I recognised those shoes under the door" Max replies.
"She was on all fours trying to see who was behind that stool door" Ilana chimes in, lifting her sweater to tuck her lipgloss away.

"Cute bra" the girl comments. Ilana smiles and nods. "Isn't it just" she replies, glowing.
"Speaking of cute things, You and Yuko would make a cute couple Max" the girl turns from the sink to look at Max who is stood frozen behind her. "I was talking to her earlier and you came up in conversation, just thought I'd let you know" she continues.
"I came up how?" Max responds.

"Yuko asked me if you liked girls and I told her she'd have to ask you, but like we all know the answer anyways"

Max starts to feel uncomfortable. She stares blankly at the girl. Her body starts to heat up a little bit and she can feel her cheeks burning.
Ilana immediately notices Max becoming uncomfortable, she draws for Max's hand.
"Max you're going to be late for your lacrosse meeting" she drags at Max's hand, leading her out of the toilets.

The two walk at a fast pace down the hall, until their walking turns into running. They run down the halls and down the school stairs hand in hand. "The changing rooms" Ilana says, as she pulls Max towards them.

The changing room seems empty. Ilana motions for Max to shush. She peaks her head around the corner to double check it's just the two of them before turning to Max and planting her hands down on her shoulders. "Are you ok?" she asks worried. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Max replies.

"I don't know, it got a little awkward"

"No, I just didn't know what to say — do you think Yuko likes me?"

"I'd have to talk to her, do you like her?"

"Talk to her? What, no don't talk to her. You have No subtly, and I don't know, I never really thought about it. I mean she's pretty and I guess I kinda like it when she speaks Japanese"

"You have to go on a date with her"

"Ilana no, what the hell" Max removes Ilana's hand from her shoulders. She turns to walk to the door, Ilana follows closely behind her.

"Max" Ilana calls out to her in a sort of whiny voice. "Na" Max mocks her tone. "You should talk to her, just to see if you like her or if she even likes you"  Ilana says, her eyebrows raised and her lips pouted. "She was probably just asking out of curiosity, trust me she doesn't like me" Max tells Ilana. "She doesn't like the dark feminine, Diet Coke obsessed, mysterious Max Jones?" Ilana parades around Max flicking her hair flirtatiously.

Max starts to laugh a little. The sun seemed to shine on Max's face as she looks at Ilana, prancing around her. "We're gonna be late for class" Max becomes suddenly serious, she takes Ilana's hand and hauls her out of the changing room. "Max wait" Ilana resists.
"Look, your knees"

Max looks down at her knees, they're bruised.

"Fuck, not again"

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