Girls dont sleep

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It's 00:23. Ilana struggles to fall asleep as she plays with her hair, humming a old Norse tale. Her eyes are closed as she lays on her back. The moon is a looming figure in the girls room, the light slightly shining through their curtains.

"Hey max" Ilana whispers.

"What?" Max groans.

Ilana jumps up in her bed. She turns to face Max's bed, she can just about see her in the light of the moon. "I have an idea" she says.

Max murmurs her response, her words incomprehensible. She twists and turns in her bed trying to find a comfortable position to fall asleep in. Ilana throws her covers from off top of her and makes her way to Max's bed. She shakes her with all her might. Max reacts with another loud groan followed by an exasperated "Ilana!" She pulls her covers up over her face to escape Ilana's pestering.

Ilana stands back, clasping her hands together. She waits patiently for Max to abandon her sleeping attitude. Max slowly lowers her covers to see Ilana towering over her. With a great sigh, she finally gives in, removing her covers before struggling to sit up in her bed. She rubs her eyes with a prolonged and deep yawn.

Eventually, she turns her attention to Ilana. Without saying a word, Ilana already knows exactly what Max is thinking.
"I know you're tired and there's nothing you love more than sleep, but I think we should sneak into dorm B tonight" Ilana says, full of inexplicable energy. Max looks at her, bewildered. "Why would we do that?" Max asks.

"Yuko is in dorm B" Ilana replies, smiling ear to ear.

Max slams her head back down into her pillow, burying her covers over her face. "Go to sleep" she responds. Ilana drags the covers from over Max's face, forcing the two to share direct eye contact. She leans down to Max's ear and whispers something.

"What if we get caught?" Max asks.

"We won't get caught"

"This is stupid, she doesn't even like me Ilana"

Ilana perches herself on the side of Max's bed. "Everyone knows you like girls Max, it's not a secret. I'm telling you, Yuko only asked Jennifer because she knows with Jennifer's big mouth you were going to find out and then you'd start thinking about her. I'm telling you, this is how girls think" Ilana removes Max's disheveled hair from out of her face. Max's eyes are still half dead, heavy from her desire to sleep.

"Come on Max" Ilana insists.
Max sits up in her bed once again, she gives Ilana a look of defeat. "Fine" she relents. Ilana chirps up, hopping from up off the bed and sliding her feet into her bedroom slippers. Max drags herself out of bed, still attempting to rid the sleep out of her eyes by rubbing at them. Ilana takes hold of Max's hand as she gently unlocks their room door, pushing it slightly open, she peaks her head out into the hallway a little to ensure it's clear. She looks back at Max giving her the 'we're all good' look. The two sneak into the hallway, pressing themselves up against the wall in attempt to be inconspicuous. Ilana leads the way, tightly gripping Max's hand.

The sound of a ticking clock sounds eerily loud in the silence of dorm C. The luminous light of the moon guides the two down the school halls, leading them down the stairs and into the halls of dorm B. Max's hands have grown clammy, her feet begin to feel as if they are welded to the floor.
She latches onto Ilana's arm, pulling her back.
"Na this is stupid, let's go back to our dorm" Max speaks softly into Ilana's ear. Ilana turns to Max with a inward stare - her eyebrows drawing together.

"Don't you trust me?" Ilana questions.

Max nods a sorrowful like yes. Her eyes dart off to the side. "Look at this raven dark hair, and lips red like roses - -
"I'm not Snow White" Max interrupts.
"Snow whites skin is pale like snow, your skins golden like that of an Egyptian God" Ilana says playfully.
"I'm not more than the girl blessed with beauty so flawless and enchanting"
"You're blessed with more than beauty Max" Ilana quickly becomes serious, her tone lower than before. Max too changes her attitude, replacing the look of tension on her face with a forced smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2023 ⏰

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