Chapter 2

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Me and Joe were sat on the sofa. Come on mate talk to me Joe said. Am I that much of a burden I asked. No no you're not you were Ill Jase Joe said. I mean I know what I put her through with the lying and the hiding food in her house just because i didn't have the guts to tell her what I was going through and now she's finally snapped she's finally gone Robbie is better for me I said as i stood up. Look Jase, you know that this isn't your fault you haven't done anything wrong you just need to deal with this a lot less violent Joe said. How else am I supposed to deal with it Joe? How did you deal with it oh yeah you killed my dad I said. Which is why I don't want you making the same mistake Joe said coming over to me. I'm sorry I said. Listen mate it's gonna be difficult okay it's gonna be hard to get over her and accept that her and Robbie are together now but whenever you want to punch or hurt Robbie come and find me call me and we will go to the garage and get your punching bag and you can let you're anger out on that Joe said. Even if you're busy I asked. If it stops you doing this again then yeah Joe said. The door then opened and Fred and Robbie walked in. Robbie's face was all patched up. Hey this one is feeling much better Fred said. That's good Joe said. I didn't say anything. Come on rob let's get you into bed Fred said as they walked away. You could have said sorry I heard Robbie yell. I just shook my head.

The next day:
I got up and Robbie was still asleep. I then went downstairs and Joe and Fred were making breakfast it made me physically sick thinking about the food. Hey Jase hope you're hungry Joe said. Actually I'm not I said. They both looked at me. You need to eat Jase Fred said. So what does that matter I said. It does matter joe said. I don't care I'm not eating I said as I walked out the door. As I walked I saw Holly. I didn't even go up to her I just walked passed her. Jase she said. Oh go on then tell me what you think of me I said. Jason she said. No really tell me what a stupid idiot I am how stupid it was to hurt my own brother I said. Jason I know you're hurt we have been together for a long time she said. And that's what makes it worse I said. It's Robbie then came up. Get away from her he said. Wow you think I'd hurt her I asked. I don't know you hurt me he said. Because you pushed me to it I said. Yeah and you tried to kiss her forced yourself on to her Robbie said. Because I love her I shouted. I then felt the urge to punch Robbie and I then remembered Joes words and I ran away. I then made it to the garage. Jase Fred said. I need to hit something so badly I said through my teeth. Joe then looked up. Get his punching bag Joe said. Fred then did that and Joe gave me the gloves. Okay Jase hit it Joe said. I then hit the punching bag really hard I imagined it was Robbie. I did it until I fell to the floor. Jase Joe said. You okay Fred asked. I'm fine now I said taking off the gloves. Robbie then walked in with holly. It's like you're trying to rub it in my face I said as I hit the bag again. Jase I'm right here do it Robbie said. Don't listen to him jason hit the bag Joe said. I then punched it again and again and again. Jason please holly said. You two should go Joe said as they walked away. Once they left I had calmed down and I fell to the floor my head dizzy. Jase Joe said. My head i said. Here mate sit down Joe said. Here Fred said handing me water. Thanks i said as i took it. Well done for not hitting Robbie Joe said. Do you know how difficult that was letting him walk away without him being hurt by me I asked. Yeah I do Joe said. I just I want hurt him so badly but I know I'll regret it if I do I said. My head then had this huge pain. I dropped my water and put both my hands to my head. Jase Fred said. It hurts i said. We gotta get you to the hospital Joe said.

An hour later:
I was sitting in a hospital bed. I was so anxious. I didn't like this one bit. Hey it's okay Joe said. I hate hospitals you know that i said. Lindsey then came up. So what's going on Joe asked. It's the stress from you finding out about Robbie and holly she said. Is there anything we can do Fred asked. Just try and keep him calm as best as you can she said. He's really angry Linds we can't keep him calm Joe said. You can but using this she said holding up a ball. What's that I asked. A stress ball or in your case an anger ball use it whenever you want to hit something or in your case Robbie said handing it over to me. We already have a stragety he hits the punching bag Joe said. Yeah that works too she said and walked away. Jase you okay Joe asked. Yeah I'm fine I said. Robbie then came running in with holly. Jase you okay he asked. None of your business i said. We were really worried holly said. Yeah I doubt it I said. Jason despite what you think we do still care about you Robbie said. If you cared or actually have a damn about me you wouldn't have done this just go away both of you I said. Jase Robbie said. I said get out I shouted as I held my head. Rob holly just go fred said as they walked away. Jase you okay Fred asked. I'm fine I said.

2 days later:
I was out of hospital and I was told by Joe to be on bed rest. Fred and Joe were getting ready to leave. Right you stay there Joe said. Joe I'm fine I said. Linds said you needed to be on bed rest for a few days Joe said. I sighed. Look Jase we are doing this because we care Fred said. I know I said. Look we will be back at lunch okay Joe said as they walked out.

1 hour later:
I heard banging at the front door. I got up and answered it. There was a holly she was so broken. Holly i said. Help me please she said and hugged me. She cried in my arms as I calmed her down.
Half an hour later:
Holly and I were sitting on the sofa. Holly you gotta tell me what's happen I said. She sat up and faced me wiping her tears. It's Robbie she said. What's he done I asked. Last night he wanted to have sex with me but I didn't want to and I pushed him off and then he did it without me wanting to Jase I think Robbie raped me she said. Oh come here I said as I pulled her into a hug. Joe and Fred then walked in. Jase Joe said. Holly pulled away from me and stood up. I should go she said. No not in your state I said. Jase I really have to go I said. No please I'm not having you go back to him not after what he did I said. Jason what are you talking about Fred asked. Robbie then walked in. I then punched him. You have some nerve I said. What he said. Joe and Fred pulled me away from him and holly hid behind me. What are you scared of holly he asked. Don't you come near her I said. Jase what's going on Joe asked. He raped holly I said.

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