Chapter 5

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Jase wait Joe said. I ran out of the hospital. Jase Joe said. Please just leave me alone I said. It's not your fault Joe said. How can you say that Joe how can you actually say that it is my fault all of this is my fault and here I am being told it's not my fault and that I'm the victim but I'm not he's in there because I forced him to talk and now he won't talk at all if he's not talking by end of the week he's going to be moved to a mental health hospital i said. Jase listen to me just listen to me none of this is your fault you're just hurting because you're brother is in there and he's not saying a word this isn't guilt this is you hurting because you can't help him Joe said. I can't help him Joe and it's killing me he won't talk to me and I don't know how to help him Joe how do I help him how do I help him I said as I broke down and started crying. Aw Jase Joe said as he hugged me. Jase Fred said. I just continued crying.

Later that day:
I was sat on the sofa. Joe and Fred were in the kitchen. Hey Jase you want something to eat Joe asked. No thanks i said. Jase you got to eat you can't avoid food Fred said. I'm sorry if eating isn't the first thing that's on my mind my twin brother is in hospital right now and he won't say a word because of me so sorry if eating isn't the one thing I want to do right now I said as I walked out of the door. I then found myself outside the hospital. I then asked to see Robbie. Hey Rob I haven't come to have a go, I just I don't know how to help you I feel so helpless please say something anything I said. He still didn't say anything. I sighed. Rob if you don't start talking you are going to be going to a mental hospital and you could be there for weeks and I don't know if I can handle you being in there I said. He still didn't say anything. A doctor then came in. Hello Jason he said. What's going to happen to him I asked. I'm afraid he's going to have to go to a mental hospital where they will see if they can get him to talk he said. But is there a chance he will come out of it i asked. We don't know but there is nothing else we can do for him he said. Then other nurses and doctors from the mental hospital came in. He's going now I asked. Yes the sooner he's there the better the doctor said. I nodded. I then watched as they helped Robbie up and transferred him into the car. I then stood outside. Jase Joe said as he came running up. What's going on Fred asked. They said there was nothing more they could do for him, they are transferring him to a mental hospital but he could be there for months I said. I'm sorry Jase Joe said as he hugged me. The car then drove away. Jase holly said coming up to me. Hey i said. Are you visiting Robbie she asked. Well I was I said. What do you mean she asked. He's gone to Dee Valley mental health hospital i said. I'm so sorry Jase she said and hugged me. I need to go I said as I ran away from them. I went back home and locked myself in. I couldn't believe that I allowed this to happen to him. I then started chucking things about. I was angry at myself. Jase Joe said knocking on the door. Are you okay Fred asked. Leave alone I said. I then slid down the door. Jase this isn't your fault Joe said. Isn't it isn't it my fault I asked. No holly said. It is my fault he's in there because I forced him to tell me what was going on and I freaked him out I said. Because you were worried Joe said. I can't do this I can't see him in there I said. Yes you can because I'll be with you holly said. How can you even face him after what he did I said. Because I know now that he didn't do it on purpose jase he's still your brother and you love him you need to see him help him get better holly said. I can't handle this hol I can't take this anymore I said. I then went to the window and opened it. Jase what are you doing Joe asked. I didn't respond I climbed onto the edge of the window. Jase Fred said and I could hear them pounding on the door. I then heard the door being broken down. Jase holly said. Jase hey mate what are you doing on there Joe asked. I don't deserve to live not with Robbie locked up I said. Jase listen to me okay you'll never see Robbie again if you go through with this Fred said. Yeah and he will never get better if we have to tell him that his twin brother died will he Joe said. You need to get back down and let us help you Joe said. I can't take the pain anymore I just want it to stop I want to stop hurting I said. This isn't the way to go about it holly said. We can help you jase but you have got to get back from there Joe said. This isn't what Robbie would want you to do Fred said. We all know that so please take my hand Joe said. I looked at Joe with tears in my eyes. Please jase he said. I then took his hand and got down. I then collapsed into his arms and cried.

An hour later:
I was sitting on the sofa. I'm pretty sure Joe and Fred had called mum. I hadn't said anything and I was leaning into holly. Then mum came bursting through the door. Jason she said. I didn't move I just stay in the position I was in. Hey mate mums here Joe said. I still just stayed in silence. What's the matter love she asked. Mum Robbie is in a mental
Hospital Joe said. What she said. Fred took mum into the kitchen to explain. You need to tell us how you're feeling mate Joe said. I'm sorry I said. Hey it's not your fault Joe said sitting next to me. I moved from holly to Joe. I'm going to go and leave you guys to talk holly said as she walked out. Mum then came back in. She took hollys place. Jason Freddie has told me everything and it's not your fault he's there he got involved with the wrong people and you forcing him to tell you what we going on was the right thing to do mum said. Stop talking to me like I'm the victim I said pulling away from Joe. It's okay Jase Joe said. No it's not i need to see Robbie I said grabbing my coat. Jase I don't think your head is in the right place Joe said. Please I need to see him I said. Jason you have just tried to kill yourself mum said. Yeah and that was a mistake I need to see Robbie I'll see you later I said as I ran out.

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