["The Wanderer cases" Final Part] "Reveal"

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Emma sat on her bed, and attempted to calm herself down. It was only the files after all, not anything that important, right? Jessica saw this and laughed. "Oh, and there's something else I forgot to tell ya." Emma looked at Jessica, who was leaning on the doorway. "I've placed your deal lil' diary along with your audio recordin's of your little "facade" in the main livin' room too~! Imagine if someone took those files and showed 'em to your dear widdle Happyface, wouldn't that just be-" Jessica was cut off by an angry, and very distressed, Emma.

"Move!" Emma shouted, pushing Jessica aside as she ran outside the door. practically flying out the door with how fast she had ran. "Geez, wonder what got her head 'n a twist? Totally wasn't me!" Jessica said in sarcasm, laughing as she followed Emma to the main living room.

Emma reached the main living room, thinking that maybe it wasn't too late! That maybe nobody listened on, or read, or even noticed the files and recordings, and even the diary she kept hidden from everyone! But she was instead greeted with a rather pissed Happyface. Emma tried to speak but was instead slapped across the face by her brother. Nobody but Jessica, who was standing at the doorway saw-which in regular cases, would be bad, but in Emma's current situation, good, as nobody would be able to give opinions on anything, well, except for her brother, Jessica would be too cowardly to speak up against two fighting, rabid dogs.

"Why- Why did you- Emma I can't even fucking speak without a stutter anymore my god- Why did you hide all this away from me-?" Happyface said, facepalming himself. "Happyface it's not what it looks like, I-I can explai-" Emma said, before being cut off once more. "I-I-I, shut up. You can't explain this shit. Why did you not tell me anything!? Why did you lie about our past!? Emma, WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME!?" Happyface raised his voice to his older sister. "I WAS TRYING TO PROTECT YOU OKAY!?" Emma yelled.

Happyface was very well offended by what Emma had just said. He got even angrier, outraged even, to the point that he was shaking. "OH? PROTECT? HA! What have YOU, yes YOU-YOU LITTLE SHIT, EVER DONE TO PROTECT ME!? -AND, LIKE SERIOUSLY, BE FRANK WITH ME NOW; HOW IS THIS, HIDING EVERYTHING AWAY FROM ME, MY NAME, PAST, E-EVEN WHO OUR PARENTS ARE, PROTECTING ME!?" Happyface yelled back.

"I- I WANTED TO PROTECT YOU FROM THE PAST! I DIDN'T WANT TO SEE YOU CRY OR BE MISERABLE, OR KNOW ANYTHING HORRIBLE OR ANY OF THAT! YOU- You get deja-vu, you cry, you feel uneasy, every TIME, you see something lewd, or anything- I DIDN'T WANNA MAKE IT WORSE! I DIDN'T WANT TO MAKE YOU MORE OF A PATHETIC CRYBABY THAN YOU ALREALDY WERE!" Emma shouted at Happyface, covering her mouth after realizing what she had said at the last sentence. Happyface's shoulders slumped, he went silent, he glared at his sister, clenching his fists as he did so.

"O-oh..! So that's how you see me. A crybaby, aren't I? Am I really, ...just a crybaby, a fool to you? Sure, sure! I may cry a lot, I may get deja-vu for reasons I probably know now because of your stupid recording, ..but pathetic? Aha..! Wow. You've definetly fucked up now." Happyface spoke, crying angry tears. He tried wiping them away, but they still came pouring out, like a faucet. "Damnit, here we go again withe my fucking tears. I can't ever stop, can I?" He thought. Emma tried to speak, but Happyface interrupted.

"Two years, Two FUCKING years of almost nothing but trying to make you less of a narcissist, two years of trying to make you "approve" of me, two years of me actually, sort of, improving, all of this for dear old "elder sister's" sake, ..and this is what I get in return? I started eating more, I became at least a tad bit more social, confident, I dress formal because you wanted me to, I listen to you when you don't let me do something even though you don't tell me the reason. -I tried to be better, to be whatever you wanted for me, I truly did. But now, I think- I think I'll stop. I'll stop trying. -After all, I don't ever think you'll stop treating me like a helpless, pathetic, little child who can't defend themselves." Happyface said, taking off his mask, as Emma collapsed to the ground on her knees. This time, Emma was the one crying.

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