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/Jon pov\

I wake up to 400 new messages on my phone. Its all from that new groupchat, the guys are talking about making a band or something. I dont have time to read all of this so i just get ready for school. I get on the bus, listen to my playlist and get to class. I got here a bit early today because i have to meet with.. someone.

I go to the field in the back and the man was waiting behind the benches. I give him the money and he gives me a baggie and i head to class.

When i get there i get greeted by Munky and Head, Munky made us all friendship bracelets that say "BFF" on them with our favorite colours and Head made up some cheesy handshake.  Class started and we sat all togeather and we were giggling and drawing the whole time. I forgot i even had the baggie in my bag because i wanted to smoke it later. Munky invited all of us to his house (mansion) later to have a pool party.

We finish up school and head home, we're supposed to be at Munky's at around 6, so thats 4 more hours.
I go do my homework and admire the bracelet we have. I love these guys.

I see the time and i start to get ready. I go shower and take my swimming trunks in my bag. I put some basic clothes on and took off. I got on the bus and listened to music untill i got to his house. I see that their chatting in the group so i go see whats happening.

-"Yes im here soon, Munk stop killing Head😭"

I giggled at our messages and almost missed my stop. I finally got there and i hear screams, thats deff Head.

I get inside and quickly get changed. I run to his backyard and jump in the pool.

"JONATHAN!! You got my hair wet!!!"
-"oh fuck off Head, you didnt get mad when Munky drowned you!"

We argued for a bit and splashed eachother every once in a while, this is the best fay i ever had with them.
Munky said we can sleepover, school is canceled tomorrow anyway, so we agreed. We watched a movie and had a rap battle. Munky even taught me some guitar riffs, he has a sick flying v.

It finally got to bedtime (it was 2 a.m)
We got ready for bed, and all got in Munky's HUGE bed. Yes, we're all sleeping togeather. We all say a prayer to a god we made up and go to sleep.

In the middle of the night i feel that Munky's not here. He musthave went to the bathroom. I get up and go find his kitchen but i passed by the bathroom and heard weird groaning. I put my ear up to the door in curiousity..

"M-mmh jonathan yes.. ah.. oh s-shiit..."

I got flustered and just went back to bed. Was that a dream? A hallucination? A daydream? Is this real..?
I felt someone get back into bed, it's probably Munky. I feel him cling onto me and he feels so warm. I fall asleep quicker than usual, am i in love..?

The next morning i wake up with both of them out of bed. I get out and strech, and go downstairs to the kitchen, where i see them making breakfast.

"Hey guys, when did you wake up..?"
-"About a hour or so, Head made me redo his braids and straighten his hair the whole morning. It was a nightmare."
"Hahaha! Well atleast they look great, you could braid my pubes sometime" i jokingly exclaim, and both the guys burst out laughing

We had fun for a couple more hours untill my phone rang.

"JONATHAN, WHERE THE FUCK ARE YO-U YOU LITTLE FAGGOT! COME HOME NOW. I DONT WAN-NT TO HEAR A WORD." it was my mom, and she was obviously drunk again. She sometimes beats me when she's drunk so i'm scared of coming back home.

"Dude, holy shit what was that?"
-"Just my mom, i gotta get going." Munky looked at me with a sad face and like he's gonna start crying while i just seen Head feeling shocked from what he heard and feeling bad for me.

I quickly pack up and leave, barely saying goodbye. Head and Munky live pretty close by so Head will stay a bit more, while im here shitting my pants of what my mom will be like. I hope she passed out on the couch or something..

I get home and sneakly go to my room, everything smells like cigarettes but not the kind i like. I forgot to show the guys my new plant but whatever. I get out my bowl and put a bit of grinded mary in it, lit it and took a hit. I felt way better after smoking on my window for a bit, no suicidal thoughts or anything.

I heard my mom screaming again, i just layed in my bed and faked that in was sleeping and she stormed in but left me alone, im adorable when i sleep so noone can do anything to me.

I get up at 3 am, more suicidal than before and ever, and get a ton of pills from the bathroom. I pop each out and start grinding some, and more and more. I lay all of the powder out and try to find a dollar bill in my room when i hear knocking on my window.
"Dude open up! It's Munky!!"

Munky..? Why is he here?

I open the window and he jumps in and hugs me. I start crying and drop to the floor.

"Dude are you okay?? What's wrong?" He holds me close. I cry into his chest and he notices the long line of mixed up powder and open pill packs. He comforts me for a while and helps me calm down. He stayed with me through the night and i fell asleep in his arms.

end 🫶

[Hi guys me again, sorry if these parts are short ☹️ i dont have ideas to write 💔]

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2023 ⏰

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Feelings (munky x jonathan x head) KornWhere stories live. Discover now