9 months

17 0 0

Submerged in water,
Heart thumping against my ribcage,
Shouting 'let me out'.
Lungs choking,
I can't breathe.

Eyes staring into empty space,
My soul benighted,
Seeking desperately
For light to seep through the walls,
To give me some clarity,
To give me hope.

Clock's hands are moving rapidly,
Time is running,
I fail to catch up with it,
And so I remain behind,
Watching it tick by
As my life remains unresolved.

Nine months,
A fully pregnancy period-
Is all I have -
Save me please,

Let me rise above the water ,
Let me set my heart and lungs free,
Like a nestling that's mastered the art of soaring,
Let me break free from the darkness,
That I may find my path in the light,
And get back home.
Let me move with time,
That I may make the most of my life,
And live.
Nine months,
Is all i have.

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