A new beginning without Emos

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I arrive at school with a goal in mind. In finding a new love, today is the day I will break up with an emo kid who smells like canned tuna.

I continue my day as usual until I get to the last class of the day. When the stinky emo tuna kid (my bf) comes up to me and asks me if we're still on for tonight to lick each others toes, he tells me he made sure he put Cheetos in between his toes, with a disgusted face I tell that we're over and that I hate licking his crusty, musty, dusty, toes.

He tells me that later today he's going to cut his wrist, he walks away while pissing his pants. I walk away with a disgusted face, as I'm leaving school I see my new love. My face turns a bright red, my heart flutters and skips a beat. Pom tree smiles at me as he walks with his friends. His light brown skin, looks so smooth and shiny, his black curls bounce with each step he takes. (Kinda like my big booty)

On my way home I spotted my ex and behind him is a sped kid taking pictures of him, I watched as he took pictures of emos flat ass, for quite some time. I stand in awe and shook, then decide that this is none of my business.

I head home and trip over a BIG ROCK 😮😮😮😮😮😮😳🤨🤨🤨🤨😳🤨🥴🤨🥴🤨🥴then I feel hands on my BIG BOOTY, I look up to see that the one who cought me was Pom tree! My face goes red and I quickly stand up. Pom tree asked if I'm okay with a smile on his face, I say that I'm fine.

I apologize for falling on him and head home. When I get home I walk to my room and when I open the door I see the emo kid with a knife and a picture of Pom tree. The emo kid says that he will hurt Pom tree if we don't get back together by the end of this week.

As soon as he's done talking he run to the window and jumps out breaking the glass on his way out. I walk towards the window all I see is him zigzagging though the road and the cars honking their horns at him.

I sit on my bed in disbelief in what just happened, I live alone so it's pretty easy to break into my house. I did my homework till I got hungry so for dinner I cooked and ate dog bark bark and cheese.

After eating I wash my plate and head to bed because I've had an okay day. My alarm rings and I have to get ready for school. I open my dresser to see that all my clothes have holes in them, I know that only one person can be responsible for ruining my clothes...... THAT EMO BITCH!!! HE DID 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🤍😭🤪🤪🤪🤪🤬🤬🤬😫😫😫🌝👿👿👿👿👿👿👿👹👹👹👺👺👺IT!!!!!!

I walk into the kitchen to put trash bags so I can go to Walmart and new clothes. It took me forever to get the trash bags on because of MY BIG BOOTY!!!!! MY BIG BOOTY used up 10!!!!!!! Trash bags. After going to Walmart I skipped school so I can come up with a plan to get Pom tree to notice me.

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