🌺three 🌺

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At night everyone was sleeping peacefully suddenly Hidimbi (Mrinalini) open her eyes and saw here and there . She saw everyone is sleeping. She stand up and leave from there .

She reach at one place of that forest and saw someone is waiting for her . She shivered due to scare . She go near him .

Man : Hidimbi when will you bought them ??

Hidimbi: Bhrata Hidimb ... Actually... I ... I have one request for you ...

Hidimb: say fast ... I don't have time ...

Hidimbi: bhrata pls don't kill them ... Let them go ... I will find someone else for our food ...

Hidimb : ohh so my sister started loving that big man ... Remember Himi ... I want they only they ...

Hidimbi: pls bhrata ..

Hidimb : Hidimbi ...... (He shouted)

Arjun and Yudhishthir Heard his shout and wake up .... They saw here and there... But not find Mrinalini...

Yudhishthir: come Arjun let's go and see what happened...

Arjun : ok jyeshth...

They leave from there ... They come at that place where Hidimbi come ... But they don't find anyone there ... They decide to go and sleep ... They come there and saw Mrinalini is sleeping on her place peacefully... They go on their place and sleep ...

At Morning

They wakeup and freshup and get ready ... And start walking

Bheem : I think I should kill that demon...

Nakul: yes bhrata Bheem ..

Yudhishthir: but where we find him ??

Arjun : I think someone among us know ... Where we find Hidimb ...

Kunti : who ??

Arjun : Mrinalini...

Hidimbi: (scared) whattt ... Me ... No no .... I don't know

Yudhishthir: yes you know take us there ...

Hidimbi: you can't go there he will kill you .... Pls i request you ...

Arjun : wow ... Princess Hidimbi...

Bheem : (shock) Princess Hidimbi....

Arjun : yes she is the sister of That demon king Hidimb... He sent her to take us to them

Yudhishthir: and then he can kill us ...

Bheem : (angrily) whattt .. so this is a game ... Princess Hidimbi show me your real look ...

Hidimbi: ok

She come in her real look everyone is shock . She again come in Mrinalini's look .

Bheem : take us there ... I want to kill him ...

Hidimbi: i request you pls don't do this ... Pls don't go there ...

Bheem : i think you don't hear what I say ...

Hidimbi take them to Hidimb . She has tears in her eyes ... Fight start between Bheem and Hidimb ... And Bheem won the bettle... Pandavas and Kunti are happy... Hidimbi go near the dead body of her brother . She take his head on her lap ... And cries ... Bheem saw this and felt guilty but didn't say anything...

After some time

Hidimbi was crying... Kunti come there with plate of food and sat beside her . She put her palm on her shoulder. Hidimbi hug her and cries . She make her calm ...

Hidimbi: your son kill my brother so as a rule of this kingdom he has to marry me ...

Kunti : how can a normal man marry a demoness..

Hidimbi : i love your son ... I promise you after the birth of one child ... I can't say you all to stay with me ... Pls this demons want their king ....

Kunti : but what if your and bheem's son become a cruel demon like your brother and Ravan ..

Hidimbi: I promise he will be a good person... I don't let him to be cruel demon ....

Kunti : ok then ....

Hidimbi: thank you...

Here is the first chapter
Hope you like this
Pls ignore my mistakes
And yes also spelling mistake
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And yes tell me how is the chapter ??

With 💖💖


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