"Chain of command"

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Ok the first original episode of the series won't be for awhile I have it planned but I realized can't change some episodes without getting rid ones I like. It's still gonna happen eventually just need time. episode 4 won't happen due to communicator still being functional if you have any suggestions on future characters or louds to add just shoot me up ok anyway on with the beast wars shall we!!)).                    [We arrive to beautifully sunny morning the maximals we're busy analyzing the stone formation as Lincoln taking pictures to draw the beautiful landmark later.]     Rhinox:This isn't natural stone formation somebody somehow built this thing.                                                   Ratrap:yeah well uh excuse my error message but I thought this planet was uninhabited.                               Lisa:it's possible their could've been other lifeforms before we arrived here but it's strange how been no other traces of these other sapient species strange?     Optimus:Something else is odd I'm getting Energon reading it's under this pile of rocks.                  Ratrap: just like baiting the mouse trap this place alternates my currents.                                         Rhinox:you know the energon on this planet doesn't fit with its geology hard to believe it could have formed naturally.                                                              Dinobot:However it got here we must remove it before the predacons do.                                    Megatron:Ah Dinobot that predacon chip still ticks inside your traitorous hide and I think we will take it yes no energon crystal too small I always say.              Lori: Lori terrorize!                                             Lola:Lola Terrorize!                                                       [The predacons began transforming as they pull out their guns and pistols began shooting at the maximals as they began to scatter for protection.]      Ratrap:Man your old friends don't miss a beat do they.                                                                        Lana:you can say that again Lynn still lousy shot though even before eyepatch her aim sucks.
Dinobot: regardless do not let your guard down with her trust me Dinobot Maximize!                                      [The maximals transformed pulling out their weapons to help defend themselves as they took aim.] Optimus: keep them them away from the crystal.        Ratrap:oh yeah sure give us the dirty work.          Lana:Quit complaining just start shooting dude!        [The maximals fired their blasters at predacons knocking scorpunok off from the rocks as Lynn keeps guarding with her shield.]                                    Lola:would  it kill you to just use a gun already Lynn we could use extra cover fire here.                                Lynn:Never guns are for the weak I ain't gonna lower myself to your standards now aim better.         [Cheetor shoots Lynn while she is distract smirking.] Cheetor:Scratch one.                                        [Tarantulas was gonna go for sneak attack but Ratrap shoots him down before he gets chance as they give each other a thumbs up.]                                 Rhinox:Flyers incoming.                      Optimus:They're mine.                                            [Optimus takes to the skies flying to intercept terrorsaur and waspinator as he aims his guns shooting at them as waspinator falls Terrosaur dodges out of the way but shoots pile of rocks making an explosion]               

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