Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

It was early morning, and to be honest, I did not want to wake up, but I did regardless, my manservant is useless. He is too shy to wake me up. Today, I am 22 summers old. Staring at the top of my bed before reluctantly standing up, spreading the curtains a little too hard for one's liking.

Dressing up, washing my face with a washcloth, and quickly drinking two goblets of water I left my chamber before the stupid manservant arrived. Early morning, probably around five am. Arriving at the stables and quickly preparing my horse, I mounted him and left, with no rush to go anywhere just to find some closure on the rhythmic hoves on solid ground, the cold wind hitting my cheeks. Dressed up with just a tattered red shirt the strings that hold the slit open are broken, with just breeches and boots.

With a steady pace, I left the castle where I lived all my life. Everything was boring, everything in the palace had a rhythm that I hated, wake up by an extremely nervous manservant that always drops my food, walk to the dining table with my Father and Morgana who both just chatter, and when it's finally my turn I say the same thing 'Just the usual.' it's the same for the past few years.

Lunch usually involves training the knights and finding ways to humiliate them, trying to remove my armor with a servant that again is useless and I do it myself, I sat down file my sword, and head to dinner, the same, Father and Morgana just gossip about the day and when they ask me I always answer 'Just the usual' before leaving to my chambers.

Every day, it is the same. Painfully the exact, no matter what I do I feel empty. I feel alone in this castle that I call home, I just want something once interesting for me, even hunting goes boring with the useless knight. I can't take it anymore maybe I should give up the throne -

"Hi." My thought was stopped when a young man halted his horse, eyes beautiful dark blue with hints of brown and green, slightly long brown hair, and pale fair skin. If people mistake him for a she, I would not be surprised they're stunning- 'No, don't go there.' "uh, hello." I felt my lips perk up slightly as his lips grew into a big smile.

"Hi, sorry to disrupt, you seem so focused. But Im lost, can you direct me to Camelot, sir?" My fingers slightly twitch but I nod softly, "Yes if you go down this path you will spot the huge walls, you can't miss it." The younger boy smiled brighter which I thought could not get any bigger but it did.

He nodded and I did the same before starting to make my horse run faster. Just the thought of seeing a new face in Camelot was fun, but then again he seemed to be just passing by, my hair a mess with the wind and my heart rate faster. Suddenly I hear the bells and stop. "Bloody Bollocks. Hiya!" Sprinting towards the castle just barely dodging a few branches and jumping small rivers.

Panting softly, I gave my horse to a woman before rushing inside the castle. Almost slipping on the marble floor, I opened the doors of the dining table, trying to catch my breath. I sat on the chair and gulped down the cup that was served in front of my food. "Gah! Father, Morgana. Morning, forgive me for my tardiness. I overslept."

Clearing my throat I close my eyes to calm down after that rush of energy, "Arthur." Morgana giggled before sliding a piece of food in her mouth, "Son." The stern voice made me turn to him, "Mind your manners we have a guest coming over you're lucky they have not arrived in Camelot yet. Now be on your best behavior. I want you here before lunch."

My father stands up before taking his cup of what I think is wine and leaving, a peal of small laughter erupts from Morgana making me take a sharp inhale and try not to glare at her "You rarely do such things, Arthur." "Morning to you too." Before she could say no more I took two pieces of bread and an apple before leaving her alone.

Heading to the training grounds I stumble upon someone, "Oh, it's you again!" That was unexpected even for me, there he looked to be a little shorter than me but only by a few inches, "Oh, hello. What brings you here?" I tried to sound interested before he chuckled softly and smiled, "Well I was just passing by, oh. Where did you get the food, what market is it from? "

His bright smile just seemed to flick something in me, It felt as if I just stared at the sun or when I was a kid anything made me excited and full... 'Stop it, Arthur.' "No, er- here you seem like you need it. What's your name? I never caught it." His smile never left as he took a bite of the bread humming softly before swallowing, "Oh right I feel stupid. Let me start from the beginning. Hi, I'm Merlin." He cleaned his hand before taking it out for me to shake.

Nodding I took his hand firmly, shaking it, "Arthur. Nice to meet you. Would you like to head over to the training grounds I was heading there. " Merlin nods softly but stops almost as if he recalled something, "Actually I remembered I have to do something, would you mind if I meet you there?" He chuckled, scratching his neck before I nod.

"No problem, just head over to the widest part and you can't miss the sound of swords clashing. Or just ask a maid for directions." Merlin nodded before smiling and waving bye disappearing behind many of the castle walls. "Maybe we will meet again.... who knows," A small smile formed on my lips while I headed to the training grounds and dressed up quickly.

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