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No one pov:

Sakura was at work when memory walked in " mama you forgot your lunch" memory said " MEMORY " sakura said " What are you doing hear are you skipping schools " sakura said in an angry tone

" What no no mama it's long story to put it in short our school almost blow up " sakura's eyes were wide open there school almost WHAT?!

Memory said it so calm like it was a normal thing to say but she didn't  question it they weren't hurt that's all that matters

" You know what you can tell me about it at dinner time thanks for bringing my lunch memory and can you tell your sister merlina to pick up your sister's atena and akina from elementary school please " sakura said to memory

" of course but i could pick them up if you want " memory said" sure you can pick them up if you want darling" said sakura " Okay!"  memory ren out sakura smiled as she saw memory leave

Time skip memory pov :

I took both of tham home merlina was home on the couch reading i told her i would go out for a bit

And i did left the village for a bit it's nice being in the forest as the calm air hits your face the birds chpring ( i so wrote that wrong but whatever ) i was just walking for a bit and i would return but i heard some strange noises

I went to look i heard my brother hisaku's voice isn't he on a mission

" oh g-god kawaki please go faster " i heard him my eyes widen as i heard him moan as kawaki fucked him hisaku was in heat my eyes somehow widen even more if his in heat it mean's he could get pregnant but he was just 15

Oh my god there's 99% he's going to get pregnant your lucky if you don't get pregnant when your in heat and  getting fucked she just runed away

Tim skip still no one pov :

She got home she could see her mother and Satoshi her brother haori her sister were home from training

She wanted to tell her mom what she saw but she couldn't bring her self to she couldn't bring her self to snich

Her mother's told hisaku to not have sex in heat but he disobey tham he was given one rule and he broke it she didn't know what to do so she just acted like she saw nothing

Time skip the nex morning :

No one pov :

She woke up and went to the bathroom she usually wakes up early in the morning too early to go to school so she could take a bath

Making sure the water was the perfect temperature taking all her clothing of getting in slowly she had a wet dream again she keeps having this wet dreams about her girlfriend naruko

She started rubbing her clit slowly god it felt so good. She wished naruko was the one doing it instead but this would do for now she started moning loudly

She took her hand of her clit and put tow fingers in her hole taking her other hand and putting it on her boobs touching them

Time skip :  no one pov :

She had gotten out the bath had already changed she was brushing her hair when she heard a knock on her door

" Come in " she said she saw hisaku entering her room " yes you need something " she couldn't look her brother in his eyes she could sense he was in heat he was trembling trying his best not fall he probably took the heat pils but they don't work instantly

" I know you saw us " he said he looked liked he was about to cry" please don't tell anyone " he said you could sense the fear in his voice" i won't tell anybody dont worry " i said in a calm voice smiling  trying to calm him down i went and hugged him he also smiled" thank you sis i love you " he said i didn't realize he had started crying he wiped his tears away and hugged me tight we had our moment before he went to his room he needs to rest there is a rule in this house every time a omega goes in to heat no one is allowed to go to their room so they could do ther ' business '

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